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Posts posted by Progenitor

  1. Holy Choices Batman!

    Hard to choose. Very hard.

    Although, I think Uga hit on a choice that was missing up there, that should have been up there - Principles! It would have gotten my vote.

    I'm not sure we need more areas opened up just yet, things are kinda sparse right now.


  2. Also, the 30 AP for accessing Loreroot - shouldn't all areas cost the same to enter and leave, via No Man's Land?

    Or for members of Alliances that are aligned with a region, don't have any (or an AP cost of 1) to enter and exit their own land?

    Perhaps have it so that non-allied players it costs 20 and enemy alliance it costs more to enter an enemy land??


  3. Will all four nations be at War at the same time, or will it be one-on-one between just two nations?

    What about un-allied people?

    There needs to be restrictions on that as well, as I could forsee people using un-allied people for "healing" fights and then go off and attack an enemy. Or use non-allied people to sap Vit from an enemy and then strike them. You might need to make it so that non-allied people can't attack allied people and vise-versa during War times.

    If the restriction is going to be 24 minutes per attack on a person and the total time of "War", is going to be 4 hours, 240 minutes, that means you can attack one person 10 times during a war, which isn't bad and I like that it works out with even numbers.


  4. Silverym, it isn't as bad as it sounds.

    It is currently very hard to start out, but if you think a little bit about it, you can devise strategies to overcome the disadvantages.

    Vital Energy, Action Points, Value Points and Exploring Points, are required to purchase new creatures. All of those values regen every 15 minutes.

    You can purchase as many creatures as you like (although the more you have, the longer it takes to load up the creature page :D )

    You can set aside a few creatures 6-12 that you wish to level up, the rest, you can basically set aside for fodder. Put the fodder creatures in Defense Rituals, 1 per ritual and make sure to set the Vit uses in the Ritual to 0.

    Make sure that the Rituals that you have for your level up creatures don't have the use as defence ritual checked.

    Now, you are safe to roam about, if you get attacked, one of your Defense Rituals will be triggered and you won't lose any Vit. You won't have to spend a lot of Vit on your Fodder creatures, just enough to keep them above 0 Vit so that they can be part of a ritual and defend you.

    On the downside, with recent changes, if you lose to someone that has less wins than you, you will lose a random (1-15??) amount of honor, and with just one creature in there, you are going to lose (although it is possible to outheal your opponent and win)

    The only way you can currently gain experience for your creatures, is to battle. You can battle the Shop Guardians, but they are very difficult and so you are left attacking other players. It's the way of the game.

    Honor gain works something like this: (opponents Wins - opponents losses) - (Your Wins - Your Losses), so the more losses you have the less honor you give to opponents. Not that you should run out and get lots of losses, but it does help, but you can lose honor if you get a loss.

    I'm not sure this is the best way or not, but it can help you get started. Later on tactics have to change to protected your honor, but it's a way to start out


  5. not sure yet, probably a way north from winds sanctuarytha wil go to the new map

    ican be connected also to loreroot

    Can't find Lore Root on the map, but I get the idea. I suppose you already have plans for Sage's Keep, otherwise, it sounds like this would be the place for it!

    Quick question though - will players that belong to Alliances of foreign lands, be able to access the lands in Marind Bell freely? If not, maybe just put a tower in No Man's Land that accesses it.


  6. - shades are expensive and weak creatures, that makes them such a bad choice to recruit..for those who don't know their secrets yet.

    By Shades, are you refearing to the creatures we faught in Fields of Abandonment and House of Liquid Dust or are these new creatures we haven't seen yet?

    - the land guardian will fight only the most noble ones, for the rest he is immune.

    By Noble, do you mean Honerable?


  7. Some more questions if you've got the time

    What happens if you end up being the only person in an Alliance?

    Can you kick yourself? Can you leave an alliance if you are the last person? What happens to the alliance then?

    Will Alliances have any allegences? Like will they be allied to a given land (Golemus Golemicarum, Necrovion, Marind Bell, Loreroot, No Man's Land??) ? Or some other type of Faction or something?

    Will alliances be able to form formal diplomatic relations with other alliances? Will they get positive honor for attack enemy alliances and negative honor for attacking members of allied alliances?

    What are all of the benefits planed for being in an alliance?

    What about those players that aren't in an alliance - how will they figure into the grand schem of things?


  8. If the restriction of 5 members per alliance is still in place, there's going to be a lot of alliances running about, as all of them are going to fill up fast.

    So, is there any estabilished alliances out there that have any room?

    Is the player with the highest Honor score rules the Alliance still in affect?

    As I understand it, if when you are invited by the leader, he has lower Honor than you, your Honor will be lowered to his - correct?

    What happens if I then fight a battle and go ahead of the leader in Honor, am I now the leader?

    What kind of interface to the Alliance does the leader get?

    Do they get to see the "activity" of members?

    Can they remove members? Can the remove the founder of an Alliance?

    Can a founder of an alliance leave the alliance if he isn't the leader? If he is the leader? Can an alliance be disbanded?

    Can you leave an alliance to join another one?


  9. I think what Hanuka is saying, is that the story progresses wether you do something or not.

    Which, except for the tutorial, when you have to kill off the Liquid Dust creatures, is pretty much true.

    All you have to do is wait and the next page of the story is available. There is no "quest" related triggers; you don't have to search and discover some clue lying about, kill anything else, talk to any other NPC to get more information, just wait the period you choose and the next page is available.

    For example; if we could visit the Carnaval in game, perhaps talk to some of the people there, get some information, then after we find an object hidden behind a rock or talk to enough people to get a clue, the next page of the story would be available.

    I think he is suggesting that by adding some more interaction with the Story, it would be better.

    I am not sure it would or not. You'd definately feel that you are helping the story along, but then again, the whole part of a Story is reading it, not interacting with it. I think Actraiser is correct in that the intent of the story is more the "Choose your own Adventure" type of story, where you choose a path and then flip to that page.

    Although I think that some of the Story choice presented so far are more to determine your teprement and set some of your stats accordingly, but I could be wrong.


  10. I just delt with the clown and the mallet, now waiting for the next page.

    I think the options of waiting are kinda nice, I just wish that there was more "story" per "page" or that a new area or two opened up with each page.

    The Prolog/Tutorial part of the story was nice. It seemed to tie in the world and you and gave you some background as to what was going on.

    Starting with Chapter 1 though, I am not sure.

    It all depends on where it is going.

    It'd be nice if each page of the story introduced you to new aspects of the game and opened up new areas to explore. I don't like the tie in of stat increase/decrease to the story progression so much, but it is what it is.

    Right now there are 34-odd areas for me to explore, but the new areas opened up with Chapter 2, haven't yet tied into the story. Of course I am only 4 or so odd pages into it, but I am hoping that there will be some tie in as to why we are in the world we are in, what has happened in the past to make the world the way it is now and how we will use the principles we choose so long ago.

    I don't think you will miss anything. I think all of the story paths lead to the same place, just give different reward levels, maybe even different rewards all together.

    I don't necessarily think it is a design flaw, it was intended to make differences in characters -- I think.


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