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Shai'tan - Great Dark

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About Shai'tan - Great Dark

  • Birthday 03/07/1992

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  • Location
    London, UK
  • Interests
    Sharpshooting<br />Lock-Picking <br />Paintballing<br />Swimming<br />
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  1. head on your shoulders is a romanian saying so you might not understand what it means :D it means down to earth & decent

  2. good guy with his head on his shoulders :P

  3. hiya there You having fun in the game?
  4. haha, that massive half goat/half man.. umm thing was pretty hilarious.
  5. hmm... what a conundrum... Methinks i agreee with I like very much the idea of a parallel universe through which a link is made.
  6. indeed it did
  7. methinks i did actually struggle through all the episodes... and i really do MEAN STRUGGLE... i mean - what was going on with excalibur sheesh!
  8. ooh thats just scary... my brother would like you!
  9. dont forget Silent Hill!!!
  10. haha charmed? is that still around!? i used to watch that like every friday on channel 5 Though i got bored after it became the same thing over and over again...
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