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Posts posted by Tai

  1. Now there is an option to really complicate things... many of the principles have direct opposites, would having those negate the bonus of an opposing player?

    I must admit I hadn't really put the two together, I saw principles as your world view and creatures as a manifested personality archetype but I see the logic that world view would enhance or limit your ability to manifest an archetype... in a pacifist ideaology a combat personality would be harder to truly believe in.... interesting

  2. I'll take the power of beguilement then I can convince all of you lot to do the rest for me :D

    Life - my view depends on how things are going right now, and at the moment I'd speed life up and then slow it down again every 2 seconds just to see what it felt like.

    Games - there I have confusion...I seem to try life as a game and games like my life. Shame I'm not that great at either :D

    Books - primarily epic fantasy, sci-fi and a little horror (and the Shining is soooooo King's best book) but I'll read most things

    People - some I love, some I hate I'm an absolute binary proposition, I will either do anything for you or nothing at all, but I am almost never rude and only insulting if you've really irritated me :D

  3. To be honest I can see why - at the moment the descriptions are beautiful poetic and philosophical, to simplify them too much would destroy that and rob the game of much of it's mystery.

    Tell ya what though Forsaken, if the language barrier gets a little too thick at any point feel free to give me a shout and I can rephrase it into something easier for you - I'm good at that kind of thing (years of working help desks...)

    But worry not... a lot of native English speakers will struggle with the concepts too, just because they are not the simple cliches everyone is used to :D

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