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Everything posted by Xever

  1. Zomg you too! Rustling of ze trees! Yay I'm not the only one! :]
  2. Psht the weird conversations are the best.
  3. I give you that, but I mainly eat gummy bears because they're fun to play with >_>; Mixing and matching different body parts is a fun way to pass the time.
  4. Psht your emote rocks, its yours afterall. o-o I use that face alot dunno why, I guess I just grew into it. OH and welcome to the game, don't worry I used to get pummeled by the mean bullies, still do once in a while, but my creatures have leveled and its easier to pummel others, so I'm sure as you level your creatures you will pummel others as well :] P.S. Bother Glaistig with your questions, he's quite good at answering them >_>;
  5. Psht you can't blame us for being addicted to a video game! Its in fact worse then crack and if not treated correctly can have worse long term affects then crack. So like yeah, not our fault the game was made so addictive. P.S. Gummy bears...yummmmmm they rule as the smallest gummy sugery product :] Next to gummy worms.
  6. Bahahaha I have three dogs, two golden retrievers and a Doberman. The Doberman is still a pup but its big as hell, its too playful for my tastes it likes to bite me too much ;-;. To the bunny fight, my cousin has an obese bunny, I'll steal it and pit it against your camo bunny if you want. :]
  7. Psht you're dreams seem to be a bit too upbeat ;-; Its scary. I usually either have no dreams, or have dreams about certain aspects of my life which I enjoy ( in this case being the game I just found and am quickly being swallowed withing...damn addictive games they shall rule the world one day. ) Lulu what was her name? I'd like to meet this mermaid, maybe they really do taste like fish when barebequed. >_>; Mmmm mermaids. Anywhoooo chocolate bunnies are alright but they can get old real fast, I enjoy their eggs better. We all know chocolate bunnies lay the best chocolate eggs, unlike the opinion of the makers of Charley and the chocolate factory I mean geese laying golden eggs which we know is just golden foil to cover the chocolaty inside, but anyways yeah thats just silly. I'd still prefer the slaughter of gummy bears over the chocolate bunnies and their chocolate eggs though, and you seem to have access to too much sugar, wanna share? I don't have enough sadly.
  8. Lol, love the poem. But it is not my fault that they made gummy bears so darn good now is it :] Besides, what I do to one gummy bear I do to them all no gummy bear left behind. : D
  9. Ah but I do rather enjoy being weird and eccentric, its alot more fun then being bland and normal. :] And I shall do if I ever need help
  10. Heh, see thats why I bite their heads off first so they can't give me that sad look :] Its the smart thing to do. I dreamth of MD last night too, since I barely finished the first chaper I dreamth of the little girl >_>; Playing ring around the rosy with a little psychotic yet innocent girl can be quite fun. Especially with shadows all around you :]
  11. Yeah I had the same problem, I used live help messaged them told them what happened and they confirmed my email in a couple of hours. It should do the same for you.
  12. Lol shades would be scarier for me if I wasn't so fond of the darkness and the night. I tend to be nocturnal so yeah >_>; I have just played one day prior to this and already I could help but look forward to playing today. I truly love the whole system of the game, btw hot cocoa is the best, I like it better with milk instead of water, however to keep me awake I stick to good ol' soda.( And candy...yum...gummy bears )
  13. Second life, lol this will probably become my main life as I wait to enter college. Nothing else to do, the job doesnt fill enough of my time and yeah. And once more, thank you for letting me know I have your support and help
  14. Thank you! :] And Glaistig I will be sure to pm you if I have any questions thanks for your help ahead of time : D
  15. Hello everyone, I'm glad I found this game it has really captured my interest. I have tried a few browser based MMO's out there along with MUD's and other MMO's but really none have kept my attention like this one. Its only be a few days that I've been playing, probably like two >_>;, but I can tell that this will have my attention for quite a while. Seeing as it is still in development I look forward to the future with this game : D
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