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About Dryps

  • Birthday 11/21/1988

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Happy Birthday!

  2. Done, I've resolved that That loreloot guard are pretty tough... Even with my Dark Archers III I couldn't defeat them...
  3. OK, I'll think about it.
  4. Oh, i've got another topic related question. I've already solved Bersekers puzzle quest but it seems that i can't attack loreloot guards and the new areas didn't bring any options exept new shop and sacrifice altar. All I need to advance to MP5 is exp but i'm still searching for new places to find new creatures and I've explored all possible locations so far. Any hints, please?
  5. I see... So lets hope new features will be added soon...
  6. I've been playing MD a bit but I didn't find out how to increase the maximum number of my creatures (over 16) and also heard that finding more adepts can do that (I've already seen players with 20 or more creatures)... If it's true or not, what should i do?
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