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Muratus del Mur

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  1. Muratus del Mur's post in What can I grind/farm in MD? was marked as the answer   
    I am not a grinder myself, so its hard for me to say what others would grind, but just to answer your question:
    - gather resources (be careful not to deplete them, and understand how depletion works first)
    - get fights for your creatures so you can sacrifice them for better stats (be careful not to unbalance your profile too much or you will lose access to altars and more)
    (others are welcome to answer more and flag different answer as the right one)
  2. Muratus del Mur's post in How do I use temporary boosters effectively? was marked as the answer   
    Plan the use of such a booster before you enable it. Like this you will know exactly what to do with the boost.
    It could be used for fighting, in events, or traveling,...you will know when you will need it.
  3. Muratus del Mur's post in What is Magic? Inner/Outer Circle? What are illusions? was marked as the answer   
    Magic in MD realm comes in various forms and meanings.
    Inner Circle is when you turn roleplay and reasoning (especially research based on clues and provable info), into something real. This sort of magic is highly dependent on a higher power to become real, so its not something you can just do within the interface, but its something that may happen, provided you have the right reasoning for it, the involved items and the right higher power (a25 members, me, chew) becomes interested in your 'cause'.
    I wish to say this here and clear, i am ignoring or denying direct requests made to me. If something of interests comes to my attention other ways than you asking, then maybe i get involved and turn inner magic into reality.
    Outer magic, this you can do. There are spells you can obtain in wishshop or using magic stones, that you can cast by writing their trigger words in chat (words you define yourself). This magic happens instantly and is in your power to do as soon as you discover it.
    Illusions are a different part of the MD experience, In some places, your character can enter an illusion and whatever it does during that illusion is not kept after you exit the illusion. During an illusion you can have totally different creatures, or skills, and you may look entirely different. Illusions mode was created years ago, but only recently did it receive the required attention to become more public. 
    I guess its safe to say that at the moment of writing this, the fastest and probably only way to see how illusions are, is to ask to test them. Otherwise, wait for it to be announced.
    Once illusions become an integrated part of the gameplay, it will be announced, and more questions and answers will be available regarding this subject.
  4. Muratus del Mur's post in How do I check a CTC/ITC code? was marked as the answer   
    For CTC:
    On the creatures page, on top, there is s small link that takes you to the creature transfer page. There you can transfer creatures, if the code is correct. Checking if a code is valid without also transfering that creature is not possible right now.
    For ITC:
    click the inventory icon on the bottom bar (the chest icon), it will open details in the sidebar. There, on top, you have "Use ITC" link, where you can redeem a ITC code. To do so , you must be in a location that allows item transfers, as not all scenes allow that.
  5. Muratus del Mur's post in How do I make use of research clues? was marked as the answer   
    Some locations have research clues. These are basically pieces of interesting information that completes your view of MD and not only. 
    Better understanding the mechanics and secrets of this world will help you in many indirect ways, but none direct.
    A good reasoning, one based on information and not rumors, combined with suitable items and a well established role, can help you make your own reality in this realm.
    People have closed lands, become kings and changed the way MD works forever, by using such knowledge.
    Research clues are a piece of a puzzle, but the outcome of the puzzle is define only by you. 
  6. Muratus del Mur's post in How do I cure my MD addiction? was marked as the answer   
    Try to understand what parts of your MD activity you no longer enjoy to do but you are still doing, and start by changing that. 
    Set yourself only fixed hours and time intervals you wish to be around, and whatever happens simply don't come here outside those intervals.
    If you wish to quit entirely, close up lose ends, decide what people you still want to be in contact with and keep a different communication channel with them (like facebook, discord, email).
    I knew many people that at some point decided to leave, but a year or two later decided they want to return, so my advice is to GRACEFULLY leave and don't do a mess behind you.
  7. Muratus del Mur's post in What is a clicky and how do I create my own clickies? was marked as the answer   
    A clicky is something in the scene (inside the drawing) that you can click to do something, like navigation arrows, objects, etc.
    They can be created only with the A25 powers by A25 members, but a category of clickies can be coded by anyone that obtains this ability in the Wishshop. Scripting such a clicky, means you can add a "MD script" to it, that does something when that clicky is clicked. You can create quests by scripting clickies that can be scripted with this abiltiy, or just leave notes allover the place, notes others will see.
    There are ways to add other clickies only A25 members can add, and this can be done if you provide the right image (original drawing that is sized and exported in the right way for this), and have a very good reason, a reason that will convince any A25 member to add it for you. 
    I encourage expansion of the realm by regular players, but this process needs to pass through existing people with such rights, to avoid chaos, abuse, or simply avoid concepts that do not fit with this realm.
    If you are interested more in this aspect of MD, you can request access to the A25 docs, and this will help you understand what are the current possibilities of a clicky, how it can be used and what it could do, and with such info you can provide A25 memebers with exact requests that could be analyzed easier and have a much higher chance of being implemented. 
    On the other hand, clickables that can be scripted with the MD script feature, can have any sort of script you manage to code in there, as long as its not designed for abuse.
  8. Muratus del Mur's post in How do I dream in MagicDuel? was marked as the answer   
    Dream mode is one custom ability coded for a specific role at some point (Morpheus). It then became part of the realm. 
    Without a dream master, people in MD can't 'dream', but in this world, dreaming is not what you might hope it is. 
    I could say dreams are more of nightmares , where the dreamcatcher holds you captive in a dream until you solve his quest or riddle. While in a dream, the dreamcatcher has full power over your existence, so you should listen to what he has to say, or suffer unimaginable consequences (mostly unfun).
    From time to time I code custom stuff for random people that deserve such a feature. Once coded, the feature remains in the realm, and if its a powerful feature such as this one, it can become a public role when the initial owner fades away becoming highly inactive. 
    At the time i am writing this, I don't know what happened to this role, and who currently holds it. It might be out there, i don't know. I know that the interface still exists for it.   
  9. Muratus del Mur's post in How do I build a SHMSH? was marked as the answer   
    The SHMSH can be found on the mainland near the Aramory, go there and you will find what you need to know.
  10. Muratus del Mur's post in How do I become a death patrol was marked as the answer   
    You don't
    Its one of the roles gained due to historic circumstances and events. Maybe in the future other occasions will arise and some of the current patrols will fade away... but if they fade away it is more likely the role will fade away with them. An other possibility would be that current death patrols leave their role as legacy to someone else, and i approve to that legacy (90% chance is that i wont)
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