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Posts posted by Talmar

  1. I play in other games where they have a pop-up notebook included, so you can jot down some notes to yourself. It works very well! :P I doubt it would actually be all that difficult to incorporate, but it does depends on the workload of the programmers with the other things that they are trying to do with the game. (yeah, that Time thing tends to get you!)

  2. I definitely think that there should be a way to set up rituals without entering combat. It really makes NO sense that you need to attack someone before you can tell your creatures what you expect of them. And you should also be able to auto-bind an old ritual over again, instead of needing to go back and redo it. You would, of course, loose your wins for that ritual, and start over with it from scratch. This is just to save the player some time in creating his rituals over again.

    I have been attacked a LOT of times just trying to set up a ritual to attack someone with. Only to find that the game auto-selects a ritual for me, because I was attacked, and had some or all of my creatures I was about to use get killed! Being able to select a ritual in a safe place would save a lot of time and frustration. Especially once the game gets even more crowded, and you have people attacking you all over the place, as soon as you move. (and YES, this WILL happen! This is a PvP game, and it will be just like every other PvP game out there, where if people see you weak, they will jump you fast!)

    So there will need to be a way for the player to prepare himself/herself

  3. I find reviewing my creatures stats to be an unbearably slow and painful process as the tableau of creatures must be repainted every time you return from viewing creature details and painting all those creatures is slow. I have long desired links to "next creature" and "previous creature." It would make it a lot easier to discover which is about to upgrade or which is in serious need of experience to grow. There is no technical need to continually return to the creature tableau.

    Since I have a fast cable connection, this does not really matter to me much, but I'm sure those people with a slower connection would really value this! Forward, Backward tabs would make life a lot easier for many, I am sure :P

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