Thanks Chewett ^^ I won't be getting in-game till tomorrow cuz I don't like having multiple browsers open on my laptop. It slows it WAAAAY down and Chrome's my fav (seriously, I thought Mur/Shoeps would have found a way to make MD compatible with Chrome by now D: ). Anywayz, I'm curious about what changed o.o but I should get to sleep now ^^" It's 5:30AM-ish where I'm at and I have a lot to catch up on tomorrow. Hmm... should prolly start using YIM more as well... Zzzzzzz
EDIT: Ah, sorry, didn't see your post there shadow (Aaaaah! I can see the stalker comin' out! ) *cough* and when I said tommorrow I meant today obviously. It's good to see familiar faces ^^ *slumps over, exhausted*