Questions, questions... that's what I have. Here are a couple of them.
If you have answers, please post. If you have ideas, please post. If you have chocolate, I'll be over in ten minutes.
When the Sentinel vanished it left behind a cube. Does that mean it is like us? Does that mean it came from a cube as we did? I was under the impression that the cube(s) were a sort of container (whether self made or made by an outside force is for another argument) - a container that we continue to "outgrow" and explore.
Let's say for argument that the Sentinel's core being or soul is inside the cube... Is that what constitutes death in MD? Can it happen to one of us? Will the Sentinel learn to use it's mind and outgrow his cube and then be back in the same "cube" with the rest of us? You see, I've come to think of this realm as a cube as well. One that we have only just begun to explore, but a cube none-the-less.
That sphere... That's odd indeed. From what I have experienced, MD is all about flat geometry... cubes, pyramids, lines, balance... Yet there is the overriding principle of Cyclicity which implies a circle or sphere as a means of maintaining the balance in a fluid manner. And if you look at Mur's graphics you can put a sphere inside and outside of each of those shapes as well... So, does the sphere just mean the Traveler is completely alien to MD or does it mean that the Traveler is a more balanced (inclusive) part of MD? Or something else entirely.
I know that many in MD search for concrete solutions to puzzles and that is why the fixation on the pyramids geometry. So, I say , more power to you for trying to figure out how to reconstruct the used cube and find the missing pieces, if they exist. But for me, the questions will remain. My questions aren't of shape and form, but are of existence and purpose. Why was that cube used? How was it used? What might happen if the cube left by the Sentinel is used? What does MD have to gain or lose by the answers?
Now that I'm sure you all think I'm insane I'll go for a while. I assure you I have only scratched the surface of the questions I have. But I'll stop torturing you now.
If you want to keep me quiet for a longer period of time, I suggest distracting me with chocolate... and/or Chippendale dancers. >_>