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Everything posted by deviateparadigm

  1. Amoran should use the principles of time and imagination to project an imagined self back at the moment that Kalamanira first attacked. Instead of dodging the attack her imagined self will be impaled by it slowly walking forward as the blade bites deeper into her and gently resting her hands upon Kalamarnira's hands. With a calm resolute voice she should explain that violence is not the only means of conquering. Her body would then drop to the floor taking Kalamarnira's sword with it. Kalamarnira's sword would then become lodged in the ground and Amoran's body and blood surrounding the sword would become the roots of a tree that envelopes the sword. The tree would then drop seeds turning into a forest. Workers would then come and cut down the forest rebuilding the fort and restoring the initial scene.
  2. You haven't gotten this newb drunk yet....
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