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About Deragon

  • Birthday 11/16/1991

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  • Location
    Anoka, MN, U.S.A
  • Interests
    video games, fantasy books, dragons
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Deragon's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. thanks, liberty, that worked.
  2. logging off doesn't work...or restarting computer. its just a screen with words and nothing to click on. there isn't even any info about my character on side panels. all the sides are blank. the only thing clickable on the screen is the logout button at the very top.
  3. i am on the prologue story-mode. it displays a story but nothing else so it is not letting me continue. this is all i see on the page. -------------------------------------------- Prologue - The Paper Cabin You remember a White Cube in the palm of somebdy's hand. Did you touch it or did you run away? You cannot remember. You see a creature of terror, darkness and hatred. How did you get face to face with such a thing? You hear the madening dance of those Liquid Dusts creatures.That unstoppable vortex... No! You do not want to see or hear their darkness any longer! Before they overwhelmed you, you managed to see something else, a small detail that remains scarred in the back of your mind. There was a very strange symbol on a wall, a moving spyral that seemed to be cut by two crossed lines. Was that just an abstract mark or did it have a deeper meaning? The windmill... There was an old windmill in the distance that had both elements of the symbol. [b]Privacy[/b]: Information collected here will be used to better understand your psyhological profile and adapt the game to you. Grouping of people with similar responses or social experiments based on this info are also likely to happen. This info will be used in any way possible in game, but will never be sold to third parties or used for advertising purposes of any kind. Answers selected here will permanently change your player DNA string and that will affect your future evolution. There is NO wrong answer, this is not a quizz, all answers are right, its just a matter of perspective. ----------------------------------------------- there is no button, or menu, or drop down box, or anything for me to click on to continue.
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