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Mysteria Blue

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Everything posted by Mysteria Blue

  1. trying to work on training. No one is here tonite

  2. Congratulations to Sage and Phan, but also congratulations to Loreroot!
  3. Tara, I've so enjoyed role playing with you. What can we say that you'll reconsider? What will demonkind be without you?
  4. Guess What....to know me is to love me....muhhahaha

  5. How are you Rolland. I'm currently in mp5 story mode. I'll be back when I can.

  6. Happy Birthday Love, and to you too Darry I talked to you yesterday and it slipped my mind to post. I hope you both had a great day and wish great things for you both this year. I know I'm a bad wife for being late, but better late than never. Love, Myst
  7. Mysteria Blue is a sister.
  8. I bid 2 gold and 30 silver for the spell docs.
  9. I, Mysteria Blue, formally apply for citizenship in Loreroot. I have pledged my life and my sword to the forest.
  10. I would like to make my application for the contest. I think my papers are ready
  11. Thank you Mya. I look forward to being mentored by you both !
  12. Thank you very much for accepting me. Mya and Shar have both offered to co-sponsor me, but I would be comfortable with whomever you would choose a my mentor as well. See you ingame!
  13. I would like to join the Guardians of the Root. I am at home in the forest and spend the majority of my time there. I feel loyal to Loreroot and wish to defend it. I would like to call it home. I know I have much to learn but am ready to fight for Loreroot when called upon. I have not applied for admission to any other alliance and do not wish to. Thank you for considering my application.
  14. Sister Esmeralda, I think The Sisterhood and their protectors need a place to gather to decide what if anything, we want to accomplish as a group. It would be nice if we had an emblem or something we can use to be idenitfied. Sister Windy is a very active recruiter. I just talked to a friend, who identified us as a roudy group. I like that because we do have fun. Maybe more of the gentlemen here should consider becoming our protectors and join in
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