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Nebin last won the day on August 21 2009

Nebin had the most liked content!

About Nebin

  • Birthday 01/06/1990

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  • MSN

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Nebin's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. phew, a lot of 'em at the same time happy b-day to all of you! have a great day (and year, whlie you're at it
  2. hi! hope to meet you in the game as well
  3. true. but look at it this way: if someone steals one of your ideas, it just means you had a really good idea (if you don't agree, maybe we can start a war 'bout it ) but i'll try to be more imaginative next time anyway, great to see you here Glume!
  4. hi! welcome to this side of MD hope you keep enjoying it an i hope i'll see you ingame! cheers!
  5. especially when in cookies...

  6. happy birthday (it's been said before, though )
  7. i'd like to join - the diplomats if possible
  8. [quote name='Grido' date='12 September 2009 - 06:35 PM' timestamp='1252773331' post='41616'] YAY i wondered who's alts they were i banned also, check: Fenth, believe that one is also probably yours [/quote] nope, that would be mine, mainly because i wanted to check out other storylines, and be able to keep playing while transferring to MP4 forgot about the name rule but i've seen the prison on the inside now
  9. hi! good to see you on the forum!

  10. heh, i'm in alright *m.smiles in a slightly mad way*
  11. hi! i hope to see you ingame have fun in MD
  12. intresting..... hmmmm..... nice pic

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