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Lupus last won the day on June 12 2010

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About Lupus

  • Birthday 03/21/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Near the river and in a book.
  • Interests
    the river, old bluidings, the past, Hetalia,Vampire Knight/Vampire Knight Guilty, wolves, Irish, Scottish, fantasy romance/horror/adventure, escapine from reality, verbal/text role playing games.
  • Playername
    Lupus von Dracula k

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Newbie (1/14)



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  1. I'm thinking about canceling my account on MD if that is possible since I never seem to wanna get on and it doesn't matter at all. All the people I ust to hang out with and things that ust to entertain me here have long since lost meaning or stopped talking to me/ or being on. So this may or may not be my last message. Icase it is bye.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kamisha


      We all leave at sometimes. I left for 2 years then came back quite by accident. In truth im likely older then some of the more important people here. Series:38**

    3. Lupus


      *laughs at Kamisha*

      Indeed with 38** days you probually are.

    4. aaront222


      I made my account 3 years ago. Played once, 2 years later decided to try again. got hooked, and have played on and off since then. Keep teh account.

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