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Everything posted by druzik

  1. im new player(smthing like 10 days) but i want to join this community so much,then i decided to make my very own torturer device (made it on first day of this contesrt but i hadnt scanner till today to show my sweet picture : [img]http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/2061/dscf7702.jpg[/img] My torture device is giving pain, acquired by victim in its whole life, in one concentrated punch. Frequency of "punches" is very high: one or two per second. To get pain acquired in life of victim, special device is filtering soul of tortured person. It's showed on picture 3 and 4. Anther source of pain is that filtering, 'cause machine is taking soul of victim out of the body and then it's giving it back. Such agony would kill victim in few seconds, but here come healing schackles(picture 1 and 5) ,which are connected with magic spheres(picture 4), where are trapped barren souls. They are stabilizing victim's body life processes, so the torture can be continued to the end of world. Control panel of this divice is showing 4 screens:on two of 'em you can see secret informations( which you wanted to know ),on third you can see pulse and other fleshy things about body of victim and on the last... when you are bored, you can watch funny things done by the victim in it's life. - A torture device is about pain. The more pain your device can induce at a moment, the better[b].- i think this device is giving so much pain that you cant imagine[/b] - Torture should last long, no fun in the victim passing out after ten seconds.[b] barren souls will keep victim very long alive...[/b] - Public torturing and execution should impress the audience. Do not gag your victim and smother his screams.[b] when you take this device to the gazebo of equlibrium, victims shouts will be heared in entire world [/b]- Humor. Reading Vogon poetry to your victim is ruthless and efficient, but not funny at all.- [b]you can watch most idiotic things which were done by victimin its whole life [/b] - Magic Torture. There are dozens of torture instruments listed on the interwebs but we all have google skills. In fact we don't care much for realistic contraptions, since it is Magic Duel. Do not refrain from godmodding, we are looking for test subjects.- [b]all pain is dealed by magic[/b] im not english guy so i can make some grammar mistakes sorry
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