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da doctor

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About da doctor

  • Birthday 12/13/1982

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Barcelona, Spain, Europe, Earth, Milky Way
  • Playername
    The Witch Doctor

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  1. row 4 column 36
  2. Fix me... if you can...

  3. I like teasing Bob... sometimes i break little branches off him, when there is no one around him...
  4. A number i´ve dreamed about... is curious that i dunno its meaning... here it is: 721
  5. thanks for the warm welcome

  6. The Witch Doctor has recieved Principle of Enthropy = 38 And he would like it removed thanks
  7. Since the dark archer´s modification a strange bug invaded my beloved account At first i noticed that in the top left corner where it indicated the mp level, instead of 3/3 it shows 4/3, witch i dont think is normal at MP3 i looked at my profile and i noticed that i have 4 principles instead of 3. Beside the 3 i´ve chosen, i have an extra principle selection Principle of Enthropy = 38 Mur, i wrote u a pm but u are abviously busy. can someone tell me what is going on? If is about the archers, i didnt used them. someone attacked me with an archer in the rit, but i dunno who it was. Beside, i had a defensive rit with a lvl 2 dark archer but it was set on weaken def. And i dont think i was attacked after the modifications of the archers, once i saw the ¨tuning¨ of the archers i did give up on using them for defensive rituals, instead u used the water beeings Please tell me what is to be done
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