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Famfrit Flamel

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About Famfrit Flamel

  • Birthday 07/18/1989

Profile Information

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  • Playername
    Famfrit Flamel

Contact Methods

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Famfrit Flamel's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. row 2 column 39
  2. Row 7 column 32
  3. Wow...made a topic just by wondering around. I found that room randomly while wondering a couple days back and just wanted in. To me being able to get in was worth it.
  4. finally updated his profile.

  5. Row: 5 Column: 25
  6. Row 1 Column 3
  7. Hello everyone. My name if Famfrit Flamel and I would like to to say I have enjoyed myself playing here by myself but I think it is time for me to get to know some people and see what I am missing from this game.
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