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goldfinger earthicus

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Everything posted by goldfinger earthicus

  1. Still open for offers, another 2 or 3 days, get your bids i..
  2. i'll run sale for one week minimum to make it fair on everyone to be able to make a bid.
  3. Sellout sale ..... all creatures untokened. The best price if i think its fair enough , when sale ends wins the ctc .otherwise ill give them away to whomever i want to. Bid now or lose out. 1 angien 1 320 days 2 angien 2 408 days 3 angien 3 206 days 4 dark archer 1 150 days 5 dark a5cher 2 150 days 6 dark archer 3 150 days 7 bp archer 107 days 8 unholy priest 155 days 9 air scout 1 159 days 10 air scout 2 162 days 11 air scout 3 162 days 12 air scout 4 163 days 13 grassan 1 154 days 14 grassan 2 154 days 15 grassan 3 154 days 16 elem 1 159 days 17 elem 2 162 days 18 elem 3 162 days 19 remains 150 days
  4. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1290987966' post='73629'] I saw that now, it seems what you want was not on the picked list, so everything should be happy. I will announce it here after we finish talk on email. LE: don't worry, i am evil just when i punish, when i reward i am more than understanding [/quote] I wasn't aware of when the winners were picked.Any chance of letting us in other timezones know ahead of time so we can get online when the draw is done. thanks.0800 hrs my time is midnight MD time.. and yes. i contributed $100 to shop to help support MD. its a good case..
  5. 4 sc for the pimp grasan no 8
  6. well. i have talked to Mur about it.just want some feedback on medallions idea.
  7. I am thinking of making a limited edition set of medallions, if enough people are interested in them, or would people rather buy a ring, or something else.please fill out poll.thanks.
  8. here is where your hiding..found you.. *high fives the legendary armpit of sweat*

  9. wanted. an aged elemental, pref tokened, but untokened will do, willing to pay several sc..

    1. Asterdai


      hey goldfinger, are you still looking for the creature, wanted to know if you were still here...

    2. Jubaris


      emerald messaged you with a gift, btw

    3. Blackwoodforest
  10. wanted, an aged elemental, pref tokened, but can be tokened or untokened. will pay up to several sc for the right one..
  11. in game name and forum name the same..goldfinger earthicus citizen of MB.
  12. Angien 1 I'll bid 4sc
  13. please close this off,thanks
  14. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' timestamp='1287479365' post='70634'] In credits, about 75 when it is in the shop at christmas. But it could be more, or less, at Mur's discretion. [/quote] thanks guys..
  15. Anyone know how much a santa or nutcracker will cost me?
  16. Good things come to those who wait Amoran.. best wishes for the future for your father..
  17. today i found a solution, there is a way to still be here in the world of MD.. Grido will be happy7*smiles* and dst, of course dear the world revolves around dst, your comments say as much..*grins* even i like you. There must a fire, before we get regrowth again, and the world turns still no matter what we do..
  18. starting price is 15 sc for a BP Chaos archer.. nothing else for sale..(mince meat only)*winks*
  19. [quote name='Rendril' timestamp='1287400038' post='70576'] Regen after battle is pretty powerful, even if your creatures are killed in the battle, it should not be an issue because their VE will be back up. Get creative, there are ways to mitigate damage from attacks. [/quote] ok, we'll meet in md, pick a place where we can all meet right now...lets settle this once and for all.i'll be at the merind bell park in 5 minutes or less
  20. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1287398783' post='70572'] 5 years old behavior. You get upset, grab your toys and leave. Is all this drama really necessary? [/quote] this comes from one who helped smash the only place i could try and train to build myself up.... who threw a hissy fit about GGG? ? Who smashed GGG in a fit of BABYLIKE DISPLAY... the meatgrinding vets... and yes, i have asked for wins,from such as yourself..your reply..if i can get them, i can have them dont throw rocks unless you have no blame yourself dst...
  21. [quote name='redneck' timestamp='1287376186' post='70557'] i know i train alot. i also set trees and i set liek 2 or 3 hundred at a tiem and i spam it in moodpanel,chat,and my pl^^ so dont sa you cant train when i idle for more than 6 hours with trees [/quote] Its easy to train when you actually have creatures left to train with,but..after meatgrinders clobber me every time, i have nothing left to train with.My 20 creatures dont last long, and any rits i build up, get quickly demolished at will,including my ve which is sucked up by veterans attacking rits.when i try and get honor back, which is hard as i am -230, i run up against not trees, but maxed drachs,angiens,and store creatures. ,many of them tokened to the hilt. Its easy to say train when yoou have such creatures of your own... try it without any of them..
  22. Please close this off, thanks.
  23. well, the time finally came, i had enough of the mp5 meatgrinders chewing my arse off everyday. Can i say arse..too late, i already said it.. oops. Anway, this is the edited version, because i'm finished playing as a fighting player.. Goldy is taking on a new role hopefully, time will tell.. but you can't get rid of me that easily.. love me or hate me.. preferby the first option..*winks*
  24. today is a sad day. goldy left MD. Why you ask? Ask the meatgrinders.. will be selling or giving creatures away...

    1. nadrolski


      hope that's only temporary..

    2. ERO


      hope you'll change your mind..

  25. its been hours it seems.played golf, thought of the design for the medallion i was making for Mur,Played with a cuter puppy than adiomino(our daschoundXbull mastiff 17 kg tail whipping eating machine..)and then proceeded to read as much of the forums as i could handle..(THAT TOOK ABOUT 2 HOURS), then i realised.... OMG...i am a MD addict...help me someone please...if i check again...maybe it will be up...
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