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Eirian Bryn

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Everything posted by Eirian Bryn

  1. ohhh the kitty is sooo cute! and lucky that you rescued it. :)

  2. Most of the time,people mistreat others because of their own insecurities. Understand that how others treat and perceive you does not define you

  3. row 1 column 10
  4. *hugs* lots of us will miss you
  5. Eirian Bryn

    my horse

    pics of my horse
  6. Eirian Bryn


    drawn by me, i will be slow to upload things.
  7. [quote name='gremlin' date='08 February 2010 - 02:49 PM' timestamp='1265658567' post='54105'] well lets make it 100 words and reason being is because I like creativity and no the poems dont have to be MD related [/quote] yay! ok now to go find one i want everyone to read...
  8. why does it have to be 200 words or more? lots of my poems are under 200 words.
  9. i choose row 8 column 47 oh how could you resist not popping them all? *goes looking for some bubble wrap to pop*
  10. wow... thanks for all the welcome backs ...err welcome back's ,,, eh Thank you
  11. just wanted to say hi to everyone. havent played in a while and trying to come back to it
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