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Mourn the Leper

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Everything posted by Mourn the Leper

  1. errr Mourn here. played under a different character named Woodsman last summer for a little bit, being a teacher i've my summers free. well summer's here, so i decided to make it round two with a different character...so's anyways my two cents. don't know too much about liberty, but if anything, i like the idea of keeping his memory alive through his guys. i'm sure he meant a lot to some people and carved out a place in the game, it's cool that yrthilian is willing to continue something he started. isn't that part of what makes this game great...actually shaping it ourselves and leaving a lasting impression. i think i read that the libs are the royal guard of GG's king now, so in theory they're his. however, you have to remember they're alts too...now GG's alts. so if you use them to benefit GG more than any other land in such a way than, to me, that's alt abuse. using them for roleplay is great. even using them for the training you've outlined is a great idea, and i think fair up to a point. [b][u]but it seems like everyone's main gripe is that it seems like your putting your people in a greater position to benefit from the training.[/u][/b] having read the previous thread about the supposed GGG abuse, you seem to be giving a perfect opportunity to reinvent training, by making it fair and limited, and not a distraction to the game. so, to be fair, you should let each king of the 4 main lands choose (1) subject to train each day, rinse and repeat. also open the gates to a couple of people unaffiliated that show up during your training times. And maybe the maximum useage for each player could be only 2 times a month. if anything, hosting such a diverse group would bring different people together and add to your land's prestige. GG would play host and be in charge of the training as you've outlined, so if people don't comply with the rules set out by you, then you have the power to revoke invitations for rule breakers. As each land would benefit, kings could even go so far as to punish their subjects that disobey the rules you set forth, through the new jail feature. and since many can't go into GG without help, people wouldn't be stomping around and ruining the training. if a war starts or special events are going on, training should stop. i've read that people complain that GGG takes away from the game, by limiting training, people would be forced to do other things. during these times, the libs can go back to being your royal guard. as for training the libs, that could be the payment for hosting the training ground. maybe before training starts, each player must give up a small number of wins to the libs, an amount that would make them strong in YEARS not months. it seems that preserving liberty's memory is of greatest importance and doing it in a way to benefit all seems to me the best way of doing that. you've been put in charge of continuing and building upon it. whether you intended to or not, using the alts in a way outside of roleplay to disproportionately benefit GG seems like abuse. while i've read my fair share of topics in the forums, i don't possess the knowledge of the game like most of you on here, so this might have sounded completely off. just my opinion. end rant.
  2. howdy, doubt ya remember...but you fed my old character's dog a carrot once.

  3. bidding closed...mods close this topic please.
  4. auctioning off some aged critters. [s]Angien - 332 days, 155 trade value, 1 transfer[/s] - [b](current bid 9sc)[/b] Heretic Archer - 333 days, 149 trade value, 1 transfer [s]Bird - 331 days, 0 transfers[/s] - [b](current bid 2sc)[/b] bidding closes sometime on Sunday, 6/13. can usually be found at the bar in the Lands of the East. [i][b][u]bidding closes whenever i wake up[/u][/b][/i]
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