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Everything posted by Mori

  1. Eh well I'm not that upset about these things, but there's a few things I've found annoying. 1. The mechanical sphere quest. Pretty much for a beginner this will be the first puzzle they find. All the hints people seem to give are about solving the puzzle, (use a pen and paper and the number 6) but the problem I had was that I couldn't activate the sphere to start with. You know how you have to find the "clue" to access the puzzle...? That's actually the harder thing to figure out in my opinion, the actual sphere was easy... consider for the begineer, who hasn't explored probably much there's a whole world to search for potential clues. And then the person goes to explore, perhaps out of out interest in exploring (as was the case for me) or maybe because they really want to find the clue. So then they search all of Marind Bell, Lands of the East, MDA and still find nothing... I thought "do I have to go back and explore all these places again? or is there something else first like figuring out the Gazebo of Equilibrium..." The only hint I needed was that the clue was a scroll... which someone told me, eventually (THANKYOU!) 2. CHAT COMMANDS, DEAR GOD CHAT COMMANDS. How do you emote? After looking through the help archives, submitting a live help request, asking in the beginner's cottage, and in Wind's Sanctuary, I still haven't been told or found out any information. I've tried all the obvious commands like /me /emote : and even typing my own name e.g. Mori jumps... just appears as Mori: Mori jumps. Yes please leave a message if you know. I still don't. EDIT: Huzzah! Someone helped me! I know now. If your a noob how to emote is by *text* with the askerisks! 3. RPing... it's hard to "start a conversation", say in Marble Dale park there's lots of people talking or nobody is active. On the other hand the one time I've had a good opportunity, in the Lands of the East bar/coffee shop/whatsit with an ideal number of 4-5 people (the situation was one of them was telling about how she arrived in MD), I waited for her to finish but -since I didn't know how to emote- there was no way to indicate I'm activate without interupting mid-story. Then when the story was finished, the teller logged out (which is fair enough since presumably the player had stayed up late to tell the story) but the other people immediately left also... 4. Orientation. It's really easy to waste action points if you don't know which arrows face which way (sometimes the hottip telling which way the arrow goes doesnt appear). An even worse example: I carried a torch into Golemius to explore and got rid of the torch once inside. While im exploring Golemius I click into the maze. Now I'd already gone into MDA lands and read the sign about the maze on the way so I know I -really really really dont want to get lost- but guess what, there's three possible options to click from the first (accidental step) inside the maze... and you have no way of knowing which way you are "facing". So yes, I did misclick given I had a 2/3 chance to do so, and almost got lost IN THE MAZE! Luckily I found my way back after another 2-3 moves by figuring out which way the pictures were oriented... That said I'm having fun with MD and props to Mur and all the other people who've contributed.
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