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  1. I'm only a day or two in, so for whatever that or this is worth: I have a habit of playing a game for a couple hours and abandoning it - came here because the banner said "different," and it seems to be (and my interest has lasted more than two hours ) Throwing in classes and all the rest of the RPG Standard Operating Procedure would be, well, standard. I have no clue what, if anything, the choice of magic principles does in gameplay, but I am intrigued by the very vagueness - very different from the same old "mage/sorcerer/cleric, fire/ice/illusion school, raise int/dex/wis, etc. stuff, which are old hat and predictable. If you want marketability, maybe it would help, I am of the opinion that most people want what they already know, see: tv and radio programming (at least everywhere I've lived), but it would seem to remove a part of the niche appeal (and could you pick up a sizable chunk of the people who want something closer to the same old thing with graphics consisting of charcoal drawings? I honestly don't know, but it strikes me as unlikely) I haven't figured out any of the puzzles yet, but I'm probably not the one to ask, I've never been too good at questing. And I like the asterisks - I just used them expecting them to show up as I typed them, after (charactername:) Seems pretty standard on message boards and chat. Was pleasantly surprised at the function. *nods in approval* Emotes are distinct from actions? Guess I don't know the scene that well. Is there an explanation of controls/gameplay/non-spoiler concepts somewhere other than those two in-game pages? Pretty sure those answer the creature healing question Novice asked; at the moment I'm wondering what the "bind vitality" listed on my rituals means. Oh, is that the defense value I set for the ritual when I bound it? Guess I'll check on that next combat round.
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