[quote name='awiiya' timestamp='1286852428' post='70177']
It's not my place to interfere, but I, as a quasi-veteran and past follower of Khalazdad, do find it within my rights to comment.
Khalazdad repeated to me that it was the people that he served, not himself, and it was for his subjects that he would sacrifice everything as long as they called for him. Once they ceased to call, he moved on.
When have the people asked for you to rule Rask? Where were you when elections came up and Peace was victorious? Now you come, expecting to be embraced by the very people Khalazdad left Kingless and without direction?
Where is the imaginative touch of Khalazdad, the dark yet enticing way with words that he had? You have none of this. I don't see how his teachings have sunk in, as you claim.
Never forget, Khalazdad came to fill a vacuum, and when that position no longer held him hostage, he moved on. There's one lesson that we all perhaps have to learn: how to let go when somebody or something no longer needs us. I'm practicing as hard as I can, what about you? Does the past still have its carefully manicured hands on you?
Let's let Khalazdad rest in peace. Waggling his corpse about on the tip of a pole is too grotesque even for the likes of Sentinels.
The people did not ask for me to rule, for I was not well known. Now I have made myself known.
I was still a child when my Sister ruled, I had not the wits to rule a land nor the strength to carry a crown. I believe I now possess both, and my Sister no longer ruled.
I am not my Father, nor am I his mouth piece from beneath the sands. I am the vessel of my Father's teachings, and my Mother's will, but I speak my own words.
It may very well be that the past have a strong hold on me, it was how I was raised. I do not know if my Father needs me to do what I do now, he no longer speaks. I do not know if the land and its people need me, perhaps they will soon choose to speak. I am not a hound that comes and goes only when bidden. I declare my presence and my intentions, and those who care to may speak their will.
I do not disturb my Father's rest. I do not use his history as my shield, I do not use his words as my sword. But I will raise his name as my standard, for that is part of me, passed to me by his will and blood.
[quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1286853685' post='70178']
I may not know the whole story, but as far as I remember, Peace, as heir of Khalazdad, was elected Queen of Necrovion. And when the time came, she passed on the crown to Jester. So in my view based on the limited knowledge I have, Jester is a king acknowledged by the Khalazdad Dynasty, in a way. Thus, I don't see why another representative of the dynasty should seek to overthrow him.
There is no question that Jester is a lawful King. However, I do believe I could do better.
As you say, the Dynasty chose and acknowledged him. However, by renouncing the Dynasty, he have proven himself to be a poor choice. I intend to correct that poor judgement. I do not believe any who can still speak for the Dynasty will contradict me.