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Status Updates posted by Brulant

  1. And the wheel turns. How's everybody doing?

    1. Maebius


      Bru! :) Welcome back

    2. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      "Black as midnight on a moonless night."

      The silver wheel always turns ;)

  2. I'm off for two days to a music festival/boot camp. Have a nice Sunday and Monday, everybody!

  3. Going to be at a Solo-Ensemble contest all day. Wish me luck!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. ChildOfTheSoul


      Congrats. :) Those pieces are beautiful.

    3. Maebius


      Luck, of the best and most joyful kind, sir!!!

    4. Maebius


      ye gods, I just watched, the links, and... I am moved.

  4. thisisnottom.com If you enjoy riddles ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Brulant


      Oh, and anyone is seriously attempting this—google is your best friend.

    3. Grido


      After finding the solution, apparently I wasn't meant to use the tab button to get past the first page, oh well.

    4. Grido


      After finding the solution, apparently I wasn't meant to use the tab button to get past the first page, oh well.

  5. Happy Wedding (Or Merry Marriage?), Princess Katt and Dragual Monarth!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Maebius


      Drat! I thought it was today, not yesterday. SOOOOO sorry I missed it you two. :/

    3. Princess Katt

      Princess Katt

      Thank you, Bru and everyone!

    4. Dragual


      Ah, I'm sorry you missed it Maebius. But it's all good.

  6. Yay, Christmas Doctor Who =)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Quas


      the Screwdriver saves the day! *trumpets*

    3. Princess Katt

      Princess Katt

      I missed it, too! I'm very far behind.

    4. ChildOfTheSoul


      I've never seen a single episode of doctor who. :P

  7. I'm so tired of writing the word "burette". That makes number 113.

  8. Going to be absent through most of this week while I travel. I'll still check PMs once a day, so if you need to reach me do it that way.

  9. "The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit their views - Which can be very uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Duke of Malfi

      Duke of Malfi

      Spoken like my favourite Doctor!

    3. Lord Jaguar

      Lord Jaguar

      Very insightful. And also very true.

    4. Muratus del Mur

      Muratus del Mur

      Imagine one asking himself: "am i that powerful or that stupid"..its true even put like that :))

  10. A wispy breeze, a golden swirl,The fallen leaves are all awhirl! To all eyes the sight is plain, Autumn time is here again!

  11. My laptop's harddrive seems to have died. I'll be back when I have personal computer access again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChildOfTheSoul


      Why don't you have three laptops, like me? O.o

    3. Brulant


      @Guillak 8 year old Macbooks that you've drown, dropped down the stairs, and just generally abused the heck out of can....

      @Cots I've been using one of the three extra computers in the House (no, they don't belong to me, but there're like 7 computers total where I live) but they're old and crabby about doing... anything.

    4. ChildOfTheSoul


      beggars can't be choosers. Use one of those and play with me. :3

  12. So, if the spell doc pages are coming back and wishpoints are becoming more freely available, does that mean that Inner Magic is going to become more common?

    1. Grido


      You mean, actually exist? :p No inner magic (that I know) has happened in a looong time.

    2. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      I am sure of it! However, the real question is -when?-

    3. Maebius


      Inner magic already happens, I thought. *mysterious smile*

  13. After 3 extensive and mildly interesting hours of Microeconomics, I have decided that nothing is wrong with the MD economy :D

  14. There are plenty of herbs in the East! Y'all should come east and decrease the viscosity :D

    1. Maebius


      Yep, it's pretty viscous out there! Bring us back some Tea perchance? :D

  15. Which is more important: the Instrument, the Musician, or the Composer?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      The musician.

      An instrument cannot play itself, nor can a composer compose without the musician present.

      Think of each component (Musician, Instrument, Composer) like a puzzle piece, the musician moves the instrument, the composer directs the music, and the instrument itself creates the music that is being played. The audience is a third party, a true musician knows that when he performs, the stage is his- and the audience are guests in his mansion.

    3. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      It's truly a beautiful thing when you find a musician who respects his audience for more than the reason to simply make money.

      Though the audience is important, though they provide fuel to the fire that creates and records his music to make it popular, in the end.. without the musician himself, the audience would not be there.
    4. Udgard
  16. listening to Polka… I blame Princess Katt.

    1. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      good luck getting that out of your head - polka is quite viscous!

    2. Princess Katt

      Princess Katt

      I'm happy to turn you on to polka! Now all we need is some beer!

  17. Never fear shadows. They simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby.

    1. Grido


      It also means someone who's casting the shadow is following you...

    2. Udgard


      Nah, shadows don't necessarily mean there are light somewhere nearby.

  18. *hums a happy song*

  19. If I do something that I consider worth bragging about, you will definitely hear me bragging =)

  20. *laughs* I'm not selfless or humble!

    I'm just a curious guy with a good memory who is incredibly amused by life. Nothing else to me =)

  21. Sorry? You shouldn't be sorry =) It's a contest!

    Congratulations by the way =)

  22. I'm not even trying to compete anymore, really. I just keep ending up with enough heads to make people attack me. *sighs*

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