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    Tatselhoff Burke

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. [quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1298952187' post='79762'] +1 to what fyrd said. Well, I'd personally go a step further and scratch the strong roleplaying in chat part, as anyone can roleplay having a power. But all talk but no mechanics supporting behind it is totally silly IMHO. [/quote] Agreed! I've gamed with far too many a Mary Sue - and my desire for attention in-game is pretty much equal to my desire for attention out-of-game: I like to be present, but not necessarily the focus of anything. Besides which, I've never understood the appeal of pretending to be perfect, all-powerful, or impressive. If someone else happens to think I'm any of these things, good for them - the delusional sods - but in all likelihood they'll see me for what I am.
  2. Thank you all very much for your input and your advice! I gather from many of your responses that I might be "jumping the gun" a bit by trying to set down rules where there are none. It's good to know that I haven't missed anything and that I'm "doing it right" by not exactly knowing what I'm supposed to be doing. I have a feeling I'll be around for a while.. this is an intriguing game and I'm very glad I found it. Thanks again for your replies!
  3. Hey guys, So I stumbled onto Magic Duel completely by accident, and I've fallen madly in love with it. But I do. not. understand. it. at. all. I simultaneously love the fact that it's so free and open, and am completely disoriented by it. Are there specific native races to the MD world? Do I have to choose one of these for an RP character? Am I required to RP? Am I required to do my own character art? What's the best way for me to solve quests or find clues? Are there NPCs, or is the world occupied by pre-set triggers and other players only? How do *you* contact other players inside or outside of the game? I've noticed there are groups, clans, associations, guilds, what have you. Where are these found? How do you join? How do you choose? Yeah. So. Tons of basic n00b questions, and I don't know where to look for answers. Any info you can offer will be appreciated! Thanks for your time and your attention!
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