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Status Updates posted by Aethon

  1. I'm back and with energy! 

    Sorry to everyone for the important events I've missed over the years, but hopefully I can be here to see a few more.

    Hopefully see you in game! ❤️

    1. jakubhi


      Hello and welcome back

  2. There are 364 days of Christmas in a year. The 365th is Christmas eve.


  3. Merry (nearly) Christmas!

    1. Syrian


      happy (not nearly) easter!

  4. Live your life until love is found 'Cause loves gonna get you down.

    1. Witty
    2. Rophs


      That's why I love gravity

  5. That moment when you're defeated by a bag of Malteasers that refuse to open...

    1. Rophs


      What do you expect from something with "teasers" in its name?

    2. JadenDew


      Always good to have a scissors or something really pointy with you~

  6. Think perhaps my cooking got out of hand...http://imgur.com/KdyIHiI

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rophs


      i made fried nutella raviolis recently

    3. Grido


      Reverse pizza?

    4. Aethon


      Calzone type thing. Stuffed it with Feta, Mozzarella, Spinach leaves, chestnut mushrooms and tomatoes :P

  7. Don't reply to this. Don't even think about it. Just leave it clean. Go right past it and don't think about it. Just DON'T write anything as a reply. Not a single word, letter or number. Nothing.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sunfire
    3. Dragual


      I feel like the instructions here were rather unclear. Perhaps someone could rephrase them?

    4. Change


      Nothing nothing.

  8. Back and ready for chaos.

    1. MaGoHi
    2. Assira the Black

      Assira the Black

      Sound like fun. Welcome back

    3. Rophs


      You left things a little out of shape and entropy has given you some nice chaos =]

  9. Sorry to those who were waiting for quest results! It seems not even my addiction to MD can overcome the powers of deadlines!

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