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Everything posted by asad

  1. i WTS 180 branches for 10 sc
  2. i will start with 2 sc
  3. [quote name='SkyArmy' timestamp='1323212715' post='97368'] i need 3 mil heat creature do you have? [/quote] dear friend, i m looking to buy one -smiles-
  4. looking to buy heat creature 1 mill to 4 mill heat ..
  5. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1323104330' post='97282'] all ID's are unique /end spam What are their ages? [/quote] i bought the today, Chewett u mentioned /end spam (what does it means)
  6. unique IDS for sell [color=#999999]ID:755440 [/color]Remains [color=#999999]ID:755441 [/color]Remains [color=#999999]ID:755443 [/color]Water Being I[color=#999999] [/color] [color=#999999]ID:755444 [/color]Water Being I call ur offer
  7. i want to buy creatures High heat 2+mill doesn't mattes which the creature
  8. sold,,, ADMIN plz close this
  9. check msg
  10. 450 branches for 2 GC, if any one interested do let me know
  11. I want to buy a cheap TS
  12. i m looking o sell my branches more then 400+. plus 75 lamber.. start bidding .. creatures ,coins , credits etc are acceptable ... Regards, Asad
  13. EON are u sure that your skill damage did not affect when u attack the registered players .. and this competition starts from December 3rd at 16:00:00 server time and when will it ends.. Regards, Asad
  14. 2sc for last one ID:265907
  15. as per the requirement mentioned i can provide 34 branches , 75 lamber , 4 glasses...
  16. 8 sc for ST
  17. all are remains
  18. [color=#999999]ID:[s]752257[/s] ---- [/color]Grido bids for 2 sc .... [b][i][u]SOLD[/u][/i][/b] [color=#999999]ID:752275 [/color] [color=#999999]ID:752424 [/color] [color=#999999]ID:752425 [/color] [color=#999999]ID:752427 [/color] [color=#999999]give ur offer [/color]
  19. 3sc for BP , 5 sc for sharp tears
  20. i have 34 branches and 60+ lamber , will provide more
  21. HI i m looking to buy 3 Angien (tokened) will pay as follows... Angien of age 179-181 days plus SC coins as per tokens attached
  22. [b] Chengmingz i had send u a forum message about the same [/b]
  23. asad

    WTS branches

    trade complete plz close it ...
  24. asad

    WTS branches

    [quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1320636992' post='95397'] Edit: nvm. [/quote] ?????
  25. asad

    WTS branches

    i came to think of it and new price is 11 sc for 110 branches
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