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Everything posted by beauhindman

  1. Yeh it was the music loading with Willow's. Ugh...it was so modern it took me right out of the game. lol Oh well, I'll stop it for now. Thanks! beau
  2. I'm VERY new (less than two days) but what is scaring me so far is the lack of explanation of basic things. I might find it all out in the tutorial (I am talking and hanging out with the little girl right now, we just left a carnival) but the chat told me to pick a role, or an area or something. IN other words, I have no idea what is going on. Even the OPs post makes no sense to me, which is kinda' funny considering he was asking newbies a question with some pretty advanced wording in it. Anyway, I am sure I'll find out as I go along, but it would be nice to have an easier newbie guide. Beau
  3. Well, is one of the songs a modern pop song? Some of the music is very nice, and I like having it on. But this song was a modern drum machine and girl singing dance song thing. lol It would be weird if they used it as one of their songs. I will test that, though, to see if it was the game music. Thanks! Beau
  4. I was playing earlier (brand newbie here) and came across uhm...Dusty's Store or some other name. I can't remember exactly now. Anyway, this extremely annoying pop music started up and wouldn't stop. I shut down all my windows and checked for any pop-ups, but the only page left was MagicDuel. When I closed it off, the music stopped. Is there a song that loads somewhere, or was I just missing an ad embedded on the page? Beau
  5. Cool, will do. I'll try to make a note when I do. I gotta' say, though, as someone who plays all sorts of browser games (and some MUDs) for a living, I am SO glad that you went with the font and color choices you did. It will make it MUCH easier to look for those errors. Beau
  6. Doh! Sorry about that! I'll put together a series of screenshots when I find em, and send him a private gallery of them. That would be easier and faster, and would point em out better. Good to know they're aware of it! Beau
  7. Anyway, I just signed up and want to talk about the game for one of my articles, and I really like some of the design and setting. My issue is that there are quite a few spelling errors, and I wanted to report each one (in case English is your second language) but there are so many it would take more time than I have. Anyway, the main thing that keeps popping up is the word "loose" instead of "lose." Loose means weakly bound, the opposite of tight, free.... Lose means to lose something, as in "You will lose your balance soon." Pretty much every time the word "loose" appears it should be "lose." If there is a speedy way to report these, I would be happy to as I come across them. Again, sorry to be the Spelling Nazi, but it sort of makes the game appear unprofessional. Other than that, the art and story seem really cool. I'll be playing for 2 weeks then reporting on what I found. Thanks! Beau
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