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  • Root Admin


this new line was added in the reply lines. no need to update now, do not resend anything. I will add it on the way when implementing the recipe and you will get the option to adjust it later

[b]"provide_insufficient_item" => "%s tries to offer %s but doesn't have enough. Only has %s.",[/b]


Here is my try and its a good creation to nullify abusive spell users...


//adapted to md world
$instr['title'] = "Spell Immunity Potion";

//the description will be the only thing to describe the needed steps to the ones that try to help you prepare the recipe
//be sure you include all steps in it but tell it so that they wont be identical words with the steps defined below
$instr['description'] = "
First of all you need an empty bottle and a special water of luck found somewhere mix in some savage claws,a tree bark, nightshades, an egg of mystical property and the essence of a barren soul.Of course you have to pay a silver coin, a little price to pay for an amazing magical concoction.

//what words you want to use to start the preparing the recipe
$instr['startline'] = array(
"Lets brew some ".$instr['title'] => $instr['title'],
"Lets prepare some ".$instr['title']."" => $instr['title'],
"I want to make some ".$instr['title']."" => $instr['title'],

//what words you want to use to stop the process
$instr['endline'] = array(
"Stop concocting" => 'end_failed',
"Lets stop this " => 'end_failed',
"Thank you for using our service ".$instr['title']."" => 'end_success',
"This is going nowhere i give up" => 'end_frustration',
"Sweet Dreams!!!" => 'end_crazy',

//what are the texts for different steps or events
$instr['step_replies'] = array(
"start" => 'starts concocting potion',
"stop" => 'gives up concocting potion',

"current" => 'currently prepares '.$instr['title'],
"device" => 'cooking using the '.$item['Magic Cauldron'],

"end_success" => 'shouts happy: WE ARE DONE!',
"end_frustration" => 'is upset and stops cbrewing',
"end_failed" => 'stops concocting, recipe failed',
"end_crazy" => 'Start getting nightmares and wake up temporarily silenced, recipe failed',

"ingredients" => 'To prepare mystical concoction you need: %s ',
"ingredients_status" => 'We are currently preparing %s. We still need: %s. (Already provided: %s)',
"steps_status" => 'We are currently done with these steps: %s. We still need perform these steps: %s. ',

"1" => 'place knator claws',
"2" => 'Crack open elemental egg',
"3" => 'add lorerootian tree bark',
"4" => 'waits',
"5" => 'put fortune well's water ',
"6" => 'add deadly nightshade',
"7" => 'add barren soul's essence',
"8" => 'fire up the cauldron',
"9" => 'make a wish',
"10" => 'pour inside empty bottle'

"random" => 'sings LA LAAA LA..I have no clue what you mean',
"random numbers" => 'picks a random number: '.rand(1,99),
"description" => $item['name'].': '.$item['description'],

"provide_empty bottle" => "%s cleans the bottle",
"provide_deadlynightshade" => "%s offers the nightshade",
"provide_silvercoin" => "%s pays the needed silver",
"provide_knatorclaws" => "%s offers the claws",
"provide_barrensoul'sessence" => "%s offers the Essence",
"provide_lorerootiantreebark" => "%s gathered the Bark",
"provide_fortunewell'swater" => "%s brings the Water",
"provide_elementalegg" => "%s prepare for cracking (monstrous!!!)",

"provide_undefined_item" => "%s tries to offer something but its not perfectly clear what (%s)",
"provide_otherway_item" => "%s tries to offer something the wrong way (%s)",
"provide_existing_item" => "%s tries to offer something (%s) that is already provided",


//what phrases will it recognize and what step will it run (from above values)
//the more variations the better, think what people could say
//always use first person, not "RP" blue text third person line please


$instr['step_actions'] = array(
"1" => 'start='.$instr['title'],
"2" => '',
"3" => '',
"4" => 'wait=3600',
"5" => '',
"6" => '',
"7" => '',
"8" => '',
"9" => 'wait=600',
"10" => '',
"11" => '',

//what lines should be used by participants to offer their resources for the preparation
//each line also has the target resources it will work on
//for example you could pour water, but install mechanisms
$instr['provide_ingredients'] = array(
"/I will provide the (.*)/is" => Elemental Egg,Barren Soul's Essence,Knator Claws,Deadly Nightshade,Lorerootian Tree Bark,Fortune Well's Water
"/I will bring the (.*)/is" => Empty Bottle,
"/Here are some (.*)/is" => 'Barren Soul's Essence,Fortune Well's Water',
"/Here is some (.*)/is" => 'Deadly Nightshade,Lorerootian Tree Bark,Knator Claws',
"/Here is a (.*)/is" => 'Silver Coin,Elemental Egg',

//what ingredients does this recipe require
//feel free to use existing resources or items but you can also invent new
//as long as they fit perfectly with md and the device
$instr['ingredients'] = "
Deadly Nightshade=1;
Elemental Egg=1;
Silver Coin=1;
Fortune Well's Water=5;
Empty Bottle=1;
Lorerootian Tree Bark=1;
Barren Soul's Essence=1;



Let's try this.


//adapted to md world
$instr['title'] = "Poison";

//the description will be the only thing to describe the needed steps to the ones that try to help you prepare the recipe
//be sure you include all steps in it but tell it so that they wont be identical words with the steps defined below
$instr['description'] = "
First of all, you need to cut the Nightshade, the Mushrooms and the Pimped Grasan Tongues into tiny pieces, then drop the first two in the cauldron.
We will need the tongues later. Heat for about 10 minutes while slowly stirring. Afterwards add the Toxicodendrite Powder and continue stirring.
Do this for about 5 minutes. When the mixture looks like a black goo, add the Weaken Stone and pour all the water into the cauldron.
Before you get carried away thinking you are making the infamous stone soup, add the Pimped Grasan Tongues for flavour and boil the water off.
This will take about 2 hours. Now comes the tricky part: force the Tormented Soul into the mixture.
When you are ready, sprinkle it with Timeless Dust and spice it according to your taste. Let it cool for an hour.
When the poison is made, pour it into an empty bottle.

//what words you want to use to start the preparing the recipe
$instr['startline'] = array(
"Let us begin the ".$instr['title']. => $instr['title'],
"We need more ".$instr['title']."" => $instr['title'],
"I want to make some ".$instr['title']."" => $instr['title'],

//what words you want to use to stop the process
$instr['endline'] = array(
"Next time we will succeed." => 'end_failed',
"There is no point doing this." => 'end_failed',
"Thank you for your assistance, the ".$instr['title'] is ready."" => 'end_success',
"Enough! I have no time for this." => 'end_frustration',
"HAHAHA" => 'end_crazy',

//what are the texts for different steps or events
$instr['step_replies'] = array(
"start" => 'starts making the poison.',
"stop" => 'gives up the creation of poison.',

"current" => 'currently prepares '.$instr['title'],
"device" => 'is using the '.$item['name'],

"end_success" => 'smiles contently and says: "Our work is done."',
"end_frustration" => 'is upset and starts cursing',
"end_failed" => 'stops, the recipe failed',
"end_crazy" => 'falls on the ground and starts twitching, all the while laughing like a madman.',

"ingredients" => 'To prepare this mixture you need: %s ',
"ingredients_status" => 'We are currently preparing %s. We still need: %s. (Already provided: %s)',
"steps_status" => 'We are currently done with these steps: %s. We still need perform these steps: %s. ',

"1" => 'chops the Nightshade, the Mushrooms and the Pimped Grasan Tongues',
"2" => 'puts the Nightshade and the Mushrooms into the cauldron.',
"3" => 'fries and stirs them for a while',
"4" => 'adds the Toxicodendrite Powder and continues stirring',
"5" => 'adds the Weaken Stone and the chopped grasan tongues
"6" => 'pours water into the cauldron',
"7" => 'waits for the water to boil off',
"8" => 'binds the Tormented Soul to the mixture',
"9" => 'sprinkles the mixture with Timeless Dust',
"10" => 'adds various spices',
"11" => 'waits for the poison to cool',
"12" => 'pours the contents of the cauldron into an empty bottle',

"random" => 'has no idea what you mean.',
"random numbers" => 'picks a random number: '.rand(1,99),
"description" => $item['name'].': '.$item['description'],

"provide_nightshade" => "%s provides some Nightshade",
"provide_mushrooms" => "%s gives some Mushrooms",
"provide_tormentedsoul" => "%s offers the Tormented Soul",
"provide_toxicodendritepowder" => "%s provides the Toxicodendrite Powder",
"provide_pimpedgrasantongues" => "%s brings two tasty Pimped Grasan Tongues",
"provide_timelessdust" => "%s offers some Timeless Dust",
"provide_water" => "%s brings the Water",
"provide_emptybottle" => "%s provides the Empty Bottle",

"provide_undefined_item" => "%s tries to offer something but its not perfectly clear what (%s)",
"provide_otherway_item" => "%s tries to offer something the wrong way (%s)",
"provide_existing_item" => "%s tries to offer something (%s) that is already provided",
"provide_insufficient_item" => "%s tries to offer %s but doesn't have enough. Only has %s.",


$instr['step_actions'] = array(
"1" => 'start='.$instr['title'],
"2" => '',
"3" => 'wait=600',
"4" => 'wait=300',
"5" => '',
"6" => '',
"7" => 'wait=7200',
"8" => '',
"9" => '',
"10" => '',
"11" => 'wait=3600',
"12" => '',

//what lines should be used by participants to offer their resources for the preparation
//each line also has the target resources it will work on
//for example you could pour water, but install mechanisms
$instr['provide_ingredients'] = array(
"/I will provide the (.*)/is" => 'Deadly Nightshade,Mushrooms,Tormented Soul,Toxicodendrite Powder,Pimped Grasan Tongues',Timeless Dust,Weaken Stone,Water',
"/Here are some (.*)/is" => 'Mushrooms,Pimped Grasan Tongues',
"/Here is some (.*)/is" => 'Deadly Nightshade,Toxicodendrite Powder,Timeless Dust,Water',
"/Here is a (.*)/is" => 'Tormented Soul,Weaken Stone',

//what ingredients does this recipe require
//feel free to use existing resources or items but you can also invent new
//as long as they fit perfectly with md and the device
$instr['ingredients'] = "
Deadly Nightshade=5;
Tormented Soul=1;
Toxicodendrite Powder=3;
Pimped Grasan Tongues=2;
Timeless Dust=1;
Weaken Stone=1;
Empty Bottle=1


  • Root Admin


the device is now functional, there are several bugs i am aware of so i need to fix those before doing a larger public test.

some of the things it will do that are not ok but are "ok for now" are:
- step order is irrelevant
- cant remember, lol..but there are

and i need to sort out what happens to the resources when recipe fails due to unexpected net failure, browser crash, logout, etc. For now its kind of strange what happens, so there might be a temporary solution to this issue instead of a permanent one for a while.

  • Root Admin

i am DELETING any recipes submitted in any other way other than how i asked them to be submitted. If its so hard for you to understand a basic subject naming rule, why should i bother implementing your recipe for a test.

Also, recipes sent through other methods other than forum pm will be also removed. (no in-game pms, messenger, email, etc) I don't care if you print it and send it by pigeon, i asked for it through forum pm, thats the way it should be.

for the initial test i don't want any of you to lose resources if things go wrong, so i will need moderators that can keep an eye on what happens. If a device fails or a recipe dramatically fails in logic or purpose, its pointless for any of you to lose anything.

[i am posting an other topic about the use of these items, that one needs to reach a conclusion before i release these new items on a larger scale]


[u]Drops Tea Recipe[/u]

Changed the 'Raindrops' ingrediant in my original idea to 'Rainwater' since rainwater is an existing resource.


//adapted to md world
$instr['title'] = "Drops Tea";

//the description will be the only thing to describe the needed steps to the ones that try to help you prepare the recipe
//be sure you include all steps in it but tell it so that they wont be identical words with the steps defined below
$instr['description'] = "
Firstly, put in the leaves, covering the teapot's base with them.
You then need to drop some rainwater onto the leaves. For this, you will only need exactly six drops.
Next, you will need to fill the teapot with boiled mineral water and
after five minutes of waiting, the tea would then be ready to be served.

//what words you want to use to start the preparing the recipe
$instr['startline'] = array(
"Lets brew some ".$instr['title'] => $instr['title'],
"Lets prepare some ".$instr['title']."" => $instr['title'],
"I want to make some ".$instr['title']."" => $instr['title'],

//what words you want to use to stop the process
$instr['endline'] = array(
"Stop the brewing!" => 'end_failed',
"Enough...!" => 'end_failed',
$instr['title']." is served." => 'end_success',
"This is going nowhere..." => 'end_frustration',
"Oops..." => 'end_crazy',

//what are the texts for different steps or events
$instr['step_replies'] = array(
"start" => 'starts brewing the tea',
"stop" => 'gives up brewing the tea',

"current" => 'is currently preparing the '.$instr['title'],
"device" => 'is brewing using the '.$item['name'],

"end_success" => 'could smell the fragrant aroma.',
"end_frustration" => 'got really upset and stops the brewing.',
"end_failed" => 'sighs and gives up.',
"end_crazy" => 'spilled the contents of the teapot by "accident".',

"ingredients" => 'To prepare this special tea, you will need: %s ',
"ingredients_status" => 'We are currently preparing %s. We still need: %s. (Already provided: %s)',
"steps_status" => 'We are already done with these steps: %s. We still need perform: %s. ',

"1" => 'covers the base of the teapot with teardrop leaves.',
"2" => 'drops in six drops of rainwater.',
"3" => 'boils the mineral water.',
"4" => 'pours the hot water into the teapot.',
"5" => 'waits for five minutes.',
"6" => 'pours the tea into a teacup.',

"random" => 'ignores you.',
"random numbers" => 'calls out: '.rand(1,99),
"description" => $item['name'].': '.$item['description'],

"provide_teardropleaf" => "%s provides the teardrop leaves.",
"provide_mineralwater" => "%s offers some mineral water.",
"provide_rainwater" => "%s provides the rainwater.",

"provide_undefined_item" => "%s tries to offer something but it is not clear as to what (%s)",
"provide_otherway_item" => "%s tries to offer something the wrong way (%s)",
"provide_existing_item" => "%s tries to offer something (%s) that is already provided",
"provide_insufficient_item" => "%s tries to offer %s but doesnt have enough. Only has %s.",


//what phrases will it recognize and what step will it run (from above values)
//the more variations the better, think what people could say
//always use first person, not "RP" blue text third person line please
$instr['step_lines'] = array(

//Hid the lines

$instr['step_actions'] = array(
"1" => 'start='.$instr['title'],
"2" => '',
"3" => '',
"4" => '',
"5" => '',
"6" => '',


//what lines should be used by participants to offer their resources for the preparation
//each line also has the target resources it will work on
//for example you could pour water, but install mechanisms
$instr['provide_ingredients'] = array(
"/I will provide the (.*)/is" => 'Teardrop Leaf,Mineral Water,Rainwater',
"/I will bring the (.*)/is" => 'Mineral Water, Rainwater',
"/Here is some (.*)/is" => 'Mineral Water, Rainwater',
"/Here is the (.*)/is" => 'Teardrop Leaf,Mineral Water,Rainwater',

//what ingredients does this recipe require
//feel free to use existing resources or items but you can also invent new
//as long as they fit perfectly with md and the device
$instr['ingredients'] = "
Teardrop Leaf=3
Mineral Water=2



  • 2 weeks later...
  • Root Admin

status update:

i closed this topic because tests almost started, i assigned 3 people to hold cauldrons and i will give the recipes to others so this will be a group testing.

The first part of the test however will be very limited because some parts of the cauldron functionality is still to be finished. I will start implemeneting the recipes here (with the code you sent by forum pm (!)

If you haven't done so yet, remove the steps from the recipes you uploaded here and be sure i have the recipe on forum pm with the clear subject: RECIPE - player id - recipe name (as used in this topic)

Once the first part of the testing is done and caudlrons work as supposed and implemented recipes are ready, a wider test will be performed where fenths will be used and such.

Btw i increased fenths count by 6 times and the fenths cave will be normal 0/0 fenths instead of 100/100 tomorow.

I will keep this topic updated as i said

  • Root Admin

status update

cauldron tests are fully functional and ready for bug testing. The test recipe that works is the stuffed eyeballs one, has just 2 steps for the test, its set to use the test resources OR the fenths. The 3 people i gave the cauldrons for testing can start testing it. PEace, you got the file for the elixir recipe, that works too, share with the rest.

I will be busy with some things till you have some results on the test, then i will start fixing what needs to be fixed at the cauldron (what bugs you might find) and add more recipes.

I will start making usable cauldron items already, with recipes based on existing materials first.

  • Root Admin

new line added to the recipe format

in $instr['step_replies']

"ingredients_ready" => 'We are currently ready to prepare %s. Ingredients provided: %s)',

This topic is now closed to further replies.
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