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  • Root Admin

We are a relatively small community, and we all like secretly planning our events and such. So I suggest we start using what we have at our disposal, The Calendar!

quite simply iv cleaned it up to remove the 5 million birthdays (which should still show at the bottom on the day i think) and changed it so there is just one calendar now. This makes it much easier to view and see events. I have added Tranquility Days as a recurring event so that they are visible.

I ask you all to add any events you are planning, or have planned. This means that you can "reserve" that day, or at least have it open so everyone knows you are doing something on that day. It doesn't mean anyone else cant host something similar on the day, but that they know you are doing something.

An example of this was when Burns was hosting a fighting competition, when i announced the day of the Heat Letting he came to me to point out he had already arranged a match on that day. Luckily however that day was a Tranquillity day, a fact neither of us considered, so he moved the match onto another day and the Heat Letting didnt interrupt anything.

If you wish to add a repeating or ranged event, please see me before, As the event may be hidden or removed while we check on it.

I will probably add some of your events to the calender if you do not, So if you want me to remove them when you have added your ones, please just send me a pm.

If there are any more events that i have forgotten ([s]HC being one, i cant quite remember how often it is and such[/s] Thanks to the Marvellous Mr Pip for reminding me when this event occurs.) Then please contact me!

Edited by Grido
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