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Do you wish to become a Knight or Priestess?

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The Eclipse is currently recruiting Knights, Priests, or Priestesses. If you have an interest in the Children of the Eclipse, reply to this thread and I will PM you instructions in game or in the forum regarding recruitment.

To join the Eclipse, we wish our to-be members to be knowledgeable in the alliance structure. Please read this topic:
[url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/6619-children-of-the-eclipse-information-update/"][u]Children of the Eclipse Information Thread[/u][/url]

-Knight of the Half Moon
-Knight of the Full Moon

If you have any questions regarding recruitment, Amoran K Kol and Tarquinus will be stationed at either the Hidden Exit, Maple Road, Ravenhold, or The Marble Dale Park.

Please note that the Eclipse does not exclusively accept fighters as knights. We also accept people who are willing to learn about battle, who wish to become knights for that reason.

-Amoran Kalamanira Kol,
Sybil of the Eclipse.

Edited by Amoran Kalamanira Kol
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  • 1 year later...

We are once again recruiting. If you are interested, please read the above post and relevant information thread and then reply to this thread or to me in-person (or PM) and we will discuss your candidacy.

And to current CoE members - please report to me for a roll-call.

The winds shift, and so shall we as we delve deeper and deeper into the great mystery of Night.

Edited by Phantom Orchid
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  • 7 years later...

The structure of the alliance has not changed, although none have taken up knighthood within our ranks of late.

If thou shouldst find interest in the Eclipse and our ways, I would that thou dost approach myself within the realm, or with a message upon the Forum, and we shall make discussion on thy role.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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