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BHC alernative rules


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Current HC/ BHC rules reward highly persistence (a few days of very high activity; mostly 'on hold' to be able to react to attacks; well hidden heads holders). Last Clash of the Lands event was very well suited to this setup - especially with viscosity feature (team competition). It would probably be more dynamical if more people
participating - but last few HC BHC there were just a few players involved; my guess is that's it's pointless to even try to participate if there is obviously no chance of winning with work and some time to sleep. As a consequence competitions are very static - and exhausting for a single player who wants to make sure he would win
As alternative I propose to prepare an HC schema to be employable in BHC competitions, that rewards more activity than time spent online somewhere hidden:
1. heads would be awarded for attacker and defender - for won fights (victory of simple win), lost for lost fights (sheath or simple loss) for fighting
2. only fights between event participants would render heads
3. each fight between participants would give/take one head - even if defender had many or 0 (but heads number could not become negative)
4. only one phase - corresponding to phase II today; set for specified time or specified score (see remarks below)
5. if defender has no crits for fighting all their heads would vanish (but: illusion spells would have to be blocked)
6. the score would be the number of heads, no other score
7. no free heads (heads regeneration), heads number would go down for the time logged off/ not at specified location (to make sure there are event participants not only during their hunting time; could be disregarded if suddenly some huge number of participants appeared - the only reason is to prevent situation when there is only one fully active participant any given time and is desperate to find any other participant logged off to prevent loosing heads)
8. heads owned would affect only attack, defense, power, and initiative (the goal is to reward attacking activity rather than time online one may spend healing crits)

1. some points above I wrote to avoid majow abuses (say 5 participants signing up going together deep in Tribunal); there may be much better solution preserving the idea but without forcing participants to be sitting ducks (i.e. automatic teleports every 2-3h, similar to solution employed by Eon last BHC)
2. the above holds especially in light of new development - Eon's skilldamage

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This would only serve to make grinders invincible in Heads.
As it is, you can play heads without being strong, if you have smarts, connections and activity. If the only thing counting was mere strength, we might as well compare our stats and creatures and decide for a winner on that, no contest needed.

If you have a problem with sleep and work, i've taken 4 days off to play the only HC i was in and bought 3 packs of coffee to make sure i don't run out. For the few days that count, it works fairly well. You should have 1 day spare to sleep before going back to work, though, specially if you are to handle heavy machines...

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[quote name='Burns' timestamp='1314015674' post='90584']
As it is, you can play heads without being strong, if you have smarts, connections and activity. If the only thing counting was mere strength, we might as well compare our stats and creatures and decide for a winner on that, no contest needed.
If you have a problem with sleep and work, i've taken 4 days off to play the only HC i was in and bought 3 packs of coffee to make sure i don't run out. For the few days that count, it works fairly well. You should have 1 day spare to sleep before going back to work, though, specially if you are to handle heavy machines...
Hence recently there is exactly one runner for 1st position - in HCs and last 2 HBCs. Of course it is doable... But, as many other things, it would work (fierce competition) with much bigger community.
Using the same argument HC should take 1 day - all is known by then and remaining days not only bring no new developments - but often just prevent ppl from any participation whatsoever.

Edited by xrieg
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[quote name='xrieg' timestamp='1314014933' post='90583']
3. each fight between participants would give/take one head - even if defender had many or 0 (but heads number could not become negative)

1 head?!?!? and what about those that have 300 heads and are just lying around?

also, if it's all going to be phase II, the relocation spell would be a major annoyance... you log in with less points than you had before...
(now following, I'm supposing the 'all as phase II would be void)

think of it this way : I'm online at a remote location, and I have 300 heads, I put up a def rit that doesn't waste all my vitality...
someone works all the way up to me, and beats me, taking one head... having been a bit inactive, I must have loads of ap on me, and the other guy must have ~ none (trying to get me) => I move directly, and he's stuck, with nothing...

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[quote name='MoM' timestamp='1314044470' post='90592']
1 head?!?!? and what about those that have 300 heads and are just lying around?
yeah. current system rewards hiding - and activity limited to hiding yet deeper in viscosity. it was not accident that last HC most scoring participants were just slowly climbing Tribunal - and last BHC Labirynth as pretty popular :-P
I am trying to find a way to reward activity - not ability to stay awake dugged deep in some high viscosity hole; alert in case somebody would manage to climb viscosity and take heads
4 HCs ago I was participating in HC (until I learned about rewards difference for 1st and remaining) and would most probably enter phase II in strong 2nd position (I believe 10-20% of leader's score) without fighting a single fight

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