shadowice Posted January 22, 2008 Report Posted January 22, 2008 Since spells coming out everyone design your dream spell remember to not make it over powered make it reasonable. Also try to think what principles would be needed to use it. (not saying this is how it works cause i havnt a clue) Im curious to see what kinda spells everyone comes up with, make as many as you like its all for fun anyway, maybe we can even give muratus more ideas for spells.
Steadfast Steno Posted January 22, 2008 Report Posted January 22, 2008 "Figurehead" Where your creatures leave the fight, and you fight head in their stead, but wouldn't remove any effects that were enacted by creatures on the player before hand, and it would only last max. 10 rounds, more like 5, though. Unreasonable, I know. but, after you left the fray, and damage done to you would be divided amongst the creatures who fought in the beginning, regardless of strength, it would be percentage wise, even if it kills a creature. All effects, like Protect and Defend, would act as if nothing would happen. I don't quite remember, how the spell system works from what Mur said, but if since spells make a temporary negative effect, it would require at least 1/4 of what that characteristic is. Also, it would need Imagination, Transposition, and one or two more, Also, It would need Imagination at least 75 (?) and Transposition maybe 60(?). I don't think of any others off-hand that would be needed, as I don't recall the descriptions, but at least one other I'd think would be needed, with at least 50(?) skill needed. Maybe double or triple these values, even quintuple them, if necessary, but I think the original proportions might be semi-balanced.
shadowice Posted January 22, 2008 Author Report Posted January 22, 2008 Not entirely sure what you mean by yours but heres mine, Blizzard, lasts whole fight, small chance to stop enemy creature in its tracks. Would work alittle like luck when it happens, creatures turn is skipped. To make it even more interesting creatures like water guardians would be immune to it, but on the other hand the elementals would be 2x more likely to be frozen in tracks. Would require time and elemental principles. Add the 2 skills together and figure out percentage chance from there. 5% chance to happen would be max when both principles are maxed. Meaning it would likely only happen once or 2x per fight much lower then luck effects
Actraiser Posted January 23, 2008 Report Posted January 23, 2008 "NUKE" A specialized spell that only targets BigC
Steadfast Steno Posted January 23, 2008 Report Posted January 23, 2008 haha! I like that spell a lot better than mine!
Almighty Posted January 23, 2008 Report Posted January 23, 2008 "Reveal" Reveals the defensive ritual of opponent currently in use. Heat and VP are reduced to zero when used.
Kybernetiker Posted January 23, 2008 Report Posted January 23, 2008 what about "garlic" any steal life life attempt results in a low Vit loss... or "blood straw" get the double amount of life out of your Steal attacks...
Rex Posted January 23, 2008 Report Posted January 23, 2008 DOHHHH this spell takes half the life of all your creatues and then adds that ammount to your valuepoints.
Rex Posted January 23, 2008 Report Posted January 23, 2008 or Bananarama gives each creature 500 vit and all valuepoints are lost
Morrighan Posted January 24, 2008 Report Posted January 24, 2008 too lazy to put a title a spell that will deplete your value points to 0 and add all those points to your vital points. Vital points must be at 0 to use this spell.
Saladin Posted January 24, 2008 Report Posted January 24, 2008 Are we talking about type of magic here?? Well, i have another idea about how magic choice is.. The point is freedom.. 1. There are some Basic Magic that has some requirement of principle. something like fireball, blizzard, time stop, warp, teleport, 2. There are some Advanced Magic that has some requirement of principleS. something like InnerBurn (Increase entropy inside creature and damage them with fire.. - kinda combination of entrophy and elemental) 3. There are some CUSTOM MAGIC.. this custom magic is kinda pick from basic magic and we kinda give some Strength to those magic. for example: Fireball use 10 Mana (I use mana so that we can understand the concept) Then we want to create something that is stronger than fireball. and create custom magic like Firehell that use 50 mana..
Gints Posted January 25, 2008 Report Posted January 25, 2008 Summon elemental(summon creature). Summons one creature to fight for you. it would use Principle of Element(80)+Principle of Imagination(?)+Principle of Light(?)(to summon some healing or protecting creature) or Principle of Darkness(?)(to summon offensive creature). can be used only if you don't have enough creatures or half of creatures necessary for ritual vitality is below 5%. As spells name points - principle of element i added to summon elemental, but it can be changed to other principle(cyclity or enthropy or syntropy) to summon other creatures. But i dunno if this is possible. You can take as much principles you want, but it is wiser to learn only 2-4 principles. So you can have more points in some principles. oh. and you wouldn't be able to choose what creature to summon(strong or weak). it would jus summon random creature with random lvl. it would be better if it would be possible to summon some unknown or legendary creatures too. Creature ascending. Creature of your choice travels trough time to come back one lvl higher as it was. For example you have lvl II elemental you choose it put a spell on it, and it becomes lvl 3 elemental. Effect is for one round. Can be used once a day. Uses Principle of Time+Principle of Transposition+Principle of ?(Cyclity). Can be used in MP lvl 3-4. Creature changing. Changes your creatures with enemie creatures. All creatures you had now is enemies creatures and all creatures enemie had is your creatures. Works for 1-5 rounds. Uses Principle of Imagination+Principle of Transposition. Don't know if this spell would be apropriate becuase all creatures are bound to character, thus they can't be divided. They are ONE. But if you can get something out of this would be great. Have to get back to work. will try to think about other spells as well - not related to creatures in exact way.
Steadfast Steno Posted January 26, 2008 Report Posted January 26, 2008 Saladin, you said: Quote The will be used as base knowledge for Magic. Dont expect too much of an interface or interactivity for this. They will be more like points that you gather for each principle depending on what you do and your location on the map. Each magic skill you can have has a cost based on principles (something like mana in other games, except this is knowledge not energy). this is what Mur said.Just FYI. but I get your gist, either way. Morrighan, I like your idea. It makes sense, you lose something in return for something else, and you immediately need both, sort of. o.O
Morrighan Posted January 26, 2008 Report Posted January 26, 2008 YAY! Somebody likes my idea! :lol: hehe
Saladin Posted January 26, 2008 Report Posted January 26, 2008 I see.. no mana.. and many complicated thing that i dont understand lol.. I think we need some brief explanation what kind of magic will be there.. or some determined magic that already been think about.
Steadfast Steno Posted January 26, 2008 Report Posted January 26, 2008 What I would like to know is, since you need the knowledge to do the spells, is vitality the temporary loss/cost of performing a spell? Because the way Mur talks about it, it makes it sound like we lose our skills when we perform spells, like we learn it, and once we use it, we have to relearn it, because it is forgotten. But that doesn't quite sit with me, if that is true, I would like to think that the opportunities to gain skills would increase and be more on a consistent/daily basis. sort of like now, but I'm thinking that spells cost a lot more than just 1 or 2 points of those skills, and while battle makes you gain some skills, for me I have only gained skills for 3 out of 4 of my skills. Chewett, you understand this a lot better than I do, and to a greater depth than I do, as I do not expect Mur to answer my little, unimportant question, I will settle for you. could you clarify my point? or, I really mean, can you clear up this situation/series of questions?
Morrighan Posted January 31, 2008 Report Posted January 31, 2008 Here is another spell and it rhymes! :lol: Its to make you invisible. Let me fade into the air Let all against me know not where Let them that seeke me pass me by Let harm not reach me from their eye.
Steadfast Steno Posted January 31, 2008 Report Posted January 31, 2008 don't forget principals! my guess is darkness and imagination, or maybe another one, but I'm not thinking of its name right now.
rumcajs Posted February 1, 2008 Report Posted February 1, 2008 Spell: Counterattack Effect: Attacked the last person that attacked you, even if they run away to sanctuary. Has to be issued within 10 seconds of the attack. Should also change logging out, so that you cannot log out right after a fight, for example if I attack and try to log off, I get a screen "Logging of in 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, logged out). Main principle: Balance.
Steadfast Steno Posted February 2, 2008 Report Posted February 2, 2008 Hmmm... 10 seconds is kind of harsh, since the imposed time guard is 5 minutes, why not say within 1 minute, or 1.5 minutes? and can only be used once on a person, once per day?
Morrighan Posted February 8, 2008 Report Posted February 8, 2008 I came up with another spell. It could be used as a spell against invisibility spells. It requires the light principle. Hand on heart, Eye to eye, I you identify as (player name)!
Rianya Posted February 14, 2008 Report Posted February 14, 2008 "Mentor's Watch" Makes the weakest creature in a ritual look as strong as the second weakest creature. This should prevent the weakest one from constantly getting killed, which is important when you're trying to level it. If this is overpowered, then limit it to lasting 3-5 rounds. Edit: This would be for the Transposition principle (as you are switching weaknesses).
Root Admin Chewett Posted February 15, 2008 Root Admin Report Posted February 15, 2008 (edited) [Redacted] Edited December 18, 2012 by Chewett Redacted
Steadfast Steno Posted February 15, 2008 Report Posted February 15, 2008 shadowice said: Since spells coming out everyone design your dream spell remember to not make it over powered make it reasonable. Also try to think what principles would be needed to use it. (not saying this is how it works cause i havnt a clue) Im curious to see what kinda spells everyone comes up with, make as many as you like its all for fun anyway, maybe we can even give muratus more ideas for spells. As stated above, by shadowice's parameters, please, add principles to your spell, this is an important addition, it is necessary for others to see what you actually mean, or what sense you are trying use. Basically, you can explain the gist of the whole spell just by providing the two principles you think/would like for it to use. Also, cheweet is correct. the second-weakest? naw... maybe, it would become the second-strongest, but it would be for only 4-5 rounds maybe.
Rianya Posted February 15, 2008 Report Posted February 15, 2008 chewett said: then it would still get hit by the weakest creature attack as they would both be the weakest creature The reason I proposed equalling was to limit the effectiveness of the spell. If they are equal, then the chance of getting hit is 50/50. However, the other way would be to make them the second-weakest, with a limitation in the number of rounds. Testing might be the bst way to determine which is more balanced. Also, I added the principle above (transposition).
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