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[i]A bright Star in the Sky, soaring there where Winderwilds fly.

Moving fast trough Celestial Blue, shining through with Bright Red hue.

I saw a Comet today, cleaving the Air

I stood where Water Being play, watching this spectacle from their Liar.

But then, a Crash!

A Bright Flash!

It shattered, 10 pieces for count

Where they landed, That’s what my memory haunts.[/i]


Look for the shards of the Comet, and get your reward.
Some locations I know, some I will have to guess. One was lost out of sight.

I have some notes on where the comet pieces landed, but I will not give them away too easily.
Send me a message telling me you want a Comet Note, and I will give you a random note from my collection.

You can trade the notes, try to keep them secret, sell them, whatever you want to do with them.
If you give me a very good reason, I may give you an extra note. So try to persuade me.

If you found the location, you may need to search well,’ look behind’ things, ‘turn’ something over or any action similar to these. So you’ll need to be creative.

The Comet pieces look very much like an elemental egg. A small, rather round object, still smoldering from the heat it generated while crashing down. (These are elemental eggs in CTC, I wrote down the IDs so I can check them)


[u]10 pieces of Comet[/u] will equal a Wishpoint + Weaken 5 stone + a Weather Stone at your own choice
[u]5 pieces[/u] will get you a Wishpoint
[u]3 pieces[/u] will be transferable in a Weaken 5 stone, Weather stone or a freezecreatures stone. (first to give 3 pieces, will get first choice)

But remember: If someone gives me 3 or 5 comet pieces, the first prize will be impossible to get.
You can do anything with the Pieces, trading, giving away, hiding them somewhere else or whatever.

[i]The Quest will run until all pieces are found[/i]

Edited by Prince Marvolo
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Because there hasn’t been any progress in finding Comet Pieces the last few days, I decided to loose some more information concerning the stones.
Three stones are yet to be found. 2 stones are found yet not returned to me. 5 stones have been returned to me.

Here are the notes that will lead you to the places where there are still stones.
Unfortunately, the fact that I needed to spread, and thus copy these notes a lot, the notes became quite… messy.
I’m afraid some parts are unreadable now.

Note [b]**gaping hole in the paper**[/b] someone carrying a pi [b]**Huuuge coffestain**[/b] oot
Note 6: there fell [b]**candlewax drippings**[/b] ones, exactly South East of where I was observing the sky
Note 1 [b]**burned paper**[/b] : I am very sure there fell some at the Centre of the World
Note 10: Three [b]**ink spot**[/b] fell on a line, between [b]**spilled Aromatic Tea**[/b] rance and Winds sanctuary

[size=2]Ps: the size of the stains or holes is not on scale with the length of the missing words or letters.[/size]
Best of Luck to those still searching.
Best of Patience and Inspiration to those are are... very annoyed with not finding the correct words ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Apart from the 5 stones that Duxie returned, there are now 3 stones unfound, and 2 stones found yet not returned. (those two stones are held by seperate people)

I have the feeling that the three stones that are left, may be a bit difficult to find.
Therefor, I will give a couple of hints again.

Anagrams, this time!

GoE - Thespian Meets Ex
Heresy hut - Decent Shop Riot
Defensive Quarters - Ethic Knotholes

Edited by Prince Marvolo
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[size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]are you sure this one is still in place:[/font][/size]
[size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#282828]MDA East wall - Axe Downtime Whine[/color][/font][/size]
[size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][color=#282828]? :) [/color][/font][/size]

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Thank you for pointing that out!

Something went wrong reading creature ID's.

Edit 1: Above post edited with the right place

[b]Edit 2: Also: I forgot to activate the clickables, so you *might* want to rechack your most recent attempts.[/b]


Edit 3: Aaaand, I'm officially a Moron - Edited the above post again, with the right anagram. (I hope, lol)

Edit 4: Apparently, I did not fail enough
Anagrams edited again

Edited by Prince Marvolo
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