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turn pms into conversation-like thing


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ya all know how its always like when ya have bunch of pm in your inbox, and no longer know what is what, where is what, then ya have lots of stuff to delete... etc

so why not make ingame pms work like forum pms...

after all we already have options to see original message we wrote when somebody replied to our pm and we can as well see our reply... so why not make it fully cascade, and have all pms on that subject under same link

it would make inbox more organized and nicer

and ofc this could be make as shop feature

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This would get very complicated if your converstions are taking months to complete, since PM's are automatically deleted after a certain period of time.

I also think it is done the way it is for a game reason.

While it may seem a little irritating to you, if you want to have incredibly long conversations like that I would encourage you to do so via forum messages instead, where that is already the way it works.

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not necessarily, ofc conversations would still act individually in db as before, and get deleted after time while leaving "newer" pms of same conversation intact, this would just change the way how they are displayed and access, so yeah there would be some groupid for pms so that system would know to which conversation pm belongs to

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Makes sense to add this. When trying to carry on a conversation through PM it can get a little difficult through the long string of RE:RE:RE:RE: etc. to tell which message you're actually trying to read, and if you need to look back to refresh yourself on something somebody said earlier, it can get even more difficult.

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]This would get very complicated if your converstions are taking months to complete, since PM's are automatically deleted after a certain period of time.[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][/quote][/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Perhaps then it could be done so that if a conversation hasn't had a reply in a certain amount of time, then it gets deleted.[/font][/color]

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