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MD 7th Birthday Torch Contest


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I might be gone for the day so I decided to post this sooner.

""Best" - Make a post on the forum and tell us why were the best in the Torch Contest. This is highly subjective, so go for it and brag! Include printscreens and reasons why you were surely the best in the TC. The Bestest Shall win!"

I'm the best

I didn't try fixing the contest and still scored well.

I was only killed through mirror rits alone

My aramor does 34.9 million damage in one normal hit. I have a feeling it was the strongest hit in the contest.

[attachment=3764:Aramor Damage 34.9m.png]

""Furthest away" - Make a post on the forum showing where you managed to run to, and your score, the furthest and Highest score shall recieve a prize! Score and distance shall be taken into account"

I scored two points for UG and ran all the way to the top of the forest mansion. never mind. I was going to take the screenshot but was moved to the GoE and had my score removed. No teleport in the trigger box at all.I guess someone wanted to make it harder.

update: [attachment=3768:run.png]


"Highest Score of TC (automagically logged), post on forum stating you think you got the highest"

I think i scored the most

"Highest single score attempt (automagically logged), post on forum stating you think you got the highest"

I think I got the highest.

Anyone else who wants to post there stuff on this thread can. Try to keep it to one post.

in case anyone doesn't know, repeatedly killing the same person to fix the contest doesn't help your score.

Edited by Eon
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1. Best
I'm one of the Best because my team was the BEST, we managed to work together, after all this was a team contest

2. -

3. "Highest Score of TC"
I believe i got a good score if not the top

4. "Highest single score attempt"
I think i got a high one

RED team winning or not... Congratz!!!


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Well, it may or may not be worth noting, but I never ever managed to even find a target!

In the end, I stood out in the open so somebody would have something to hit. I think darkraptor got me while I slept.

So I might have been "nicest".

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I dont think how it is a team contest, as the prizes are individuals, and same Blue team killed each other, to not tell how reds worked that way.

but as the Loreroot scored 3, Im the top Lorerootian, because I scored 2 points :P

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