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Magicduel Playlist


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  • Root Admin

Iv created a colloberative Magicduel Playlist here [url="http://grooveshark.com/playlist/Magicduel/69994915"]http://grooveshark.c...icduel/69994915[/url]

Currently there is only 20 or so songs from my favourites, lots of variety (possibly) and such. There will be songs people dont like, i think i added one or two dubstep songs, but if you dont like em, skip em!

It would be _really_ cool if others would register and add their songs, so we can get a taste of each others musical taste. You might need to "ask" to join the collaboration, and if you are unsure, forum pm me and we will try and work out how it works.

If you want to add some songs but dont want to register, send me a link to the grooveshark song and i will add it.

[color=#ff0000]NOTE: All songs of all types will be added. There will likely be swear words in them, so if you do not like this i would not suggest listening to this. Maybe i will make two playlists, one Safe for Work and and this current one.

This is probably currently Not Safe for Work, Please treat it as such.[/color]

*coughs* My musical tastes are interesting, but i do have one excuse, in the fact that my account is shared by about 5 other people, as a "House" playlist, so i can shift the blame slightly.

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Nice idea Chewett! I have registered and even got some songs in my playlist, which is a rather difficult thing for someone so absolutely not technical as I am, but ... how do I get them in the MagicDuel Playlist?

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  • Root Admin

sadly not, you cant see who added what.

And the Pokemon Theme tune IS legendary.

If you want to be added you need to follow me, which can be done by pressing follow on my page. http://grooveshark.com/chewett

Then i can follow you back, and then add you to the playlist.

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