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Facebook is reading my Private forum!


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  • Root Admin

This issue has been raised multiple times, so lets make a FAQ!

Recently "Facebook" has been getting rather snoopy, With the recent forum upgrade it seems to be on nearly every forum and hidden forum.

For some reason, which i have no answer to, Some new feature is tagging facebook as viewing it. From guesswork, i can only think that it is because your personal facebook accounts are being flagged as "viewing" it.

This does not mean anyone outside your allowed forum group can see your private forum.

If someone can look at material they shouldnt be able to, i shall give them a Morph and/or tainted angien (subject to terms and conditions). Provided this is not due to a forum leaders mistake or generally doing something bad (logging in as someone else). This reward will specifically go to someone who has manged to find some hole in the permissions, for reporting it and letting us fix it up.

This reward is not one that is intended to be claimed, hopefully someone will never claim it, but if someone does find some way, i would like to reward them for reporting it.

Comments as usual can go in this thread

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Don't think anyone can see what the bots actually do dig up unless you're one of those who can access google or facebook, and with that I mean the hidden files...anyways, this seems to fix it, why not use that?


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  • Root Admin

forbidding all robots is generally a bad thing to do... Im not going to do that.

And, as i pointed out, since facebook and such cannot access private forums without being logged in, its not a crawler

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