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Sporadic "Forum exceeded limits" errors


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  • Root Admin

This is a post just to inform everyone whats happening with the forum, if lazy, dont bother reading it.

Over the last couple weeks we have now had two periods where the forum was inaccessible because our hosting providers disabled us for excessive resource usage.

The first time i was performing a backup, and believed that merely the forum has grown large enough to cause a spike when creating the required files.

Yesterday we got another spike, about 3-4 times larger CPU usage than normal, for a period of 10 minutes or so.

Hosting have no clue what caused it, but suggested some optimisations that i should perform.

This topic will be updated as i know more information.

Thank you for your patience

Edited by Chewett
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Root Admin

I just spent some time configuring some "recommended" settings to limit spamming.

Guest search time has been increased to 60 seconds wait between requests. Guests can no longer see member profiles.

Some IP's have been blocked, and such.

Long story short, if something broke, and someone cant access it or do something, please ask them to mail chewett (at) magicduel (dot) com

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