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Embarrass the Fossil

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[font=comic sans ms,cursive]So, like we did two years ago, this year the Master of Ceremonies repeated the same quest. The objective was to create a funny line a fossil would say after a long period of absence.[/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive]The lines given:[/font][list]
[*][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][u]lashtal:[/u] Yrthilian: Meet and greet Golemus King!![/color][/font]
[*][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][u]MRAlyon[/u]: Hey and Bye:-) I'm creating a secret Army that will invade MD in future... COWABUNGA ARMY:-)[/color][/font]
[*][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][u]No one:[/u] No no no!! Peace is dressed! Did dst manage to impose a dress code now??[/color][/font]
[*][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][u]dst:[/u] Former RPC to a noob: I shall take you to a secret place that nobody has access to! You are very priviledged for going there so don't brag about it to others.[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]​*RPC takes noob to the Drachorn Cave.*[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]Noob: Dude? Can I have what you're smoking?[/color][/font][list]
[*][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][u]Burns[/u]: What do you mean, gathering Resources? Can't you just wait until your VP are refilled to get your things?[/color][/font]
[*][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][u]Eara Meraia[/u]: from yesterdays dialogue with MRALyon>[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]Eara: brewing tea with one hand and fighting with another. that is what i call - mulititasking :P[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]Alyon: I hate this:-)[/color][/font][list]
[*][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][u]Valldore Nal[/u]: After a couple of years have passed, Eon returns to the realm and goes to GoE.[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]Eon: .[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000](Random young person): Pff another copy of TESTY, aren't you people bored yet ??? [/color][/font][list]
[*][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][u]samon[/u]: Ooohhh, I've found some dice! I wonder if I'll be able to get some drachs for them, I'm gonna be rich! :D[/color][/font]
[*][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][u]Sunfire:[/u] this realm is getting boring[/color], [color=#000000]you can even sleep at parties where isnt a sanctuary and dont lose half your stats[/color][/font]
[*][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][u]rikstar:[/u] Do you remember when you felt fear for the last time, I do at seighs quest.[/color][/font]
[*][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][u]Nimrodel:[/u] In my day, if we were cheated by X, We used to say, 'X pulled a Fenrir on me'. Now we say 'X pulled a Seigheart on me'. Not much has changed i guess.[/color][/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]Winners who go to the next round and score:[/color][/font][list]
[*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]dst 5.9[/font]

[*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]No One 5.8[/font]

[*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Valldore Nal 5.2[/font]

[*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Burns 4.9[/font]

[*][font=comic sans ms,cursive]MRAlyon 4.9[/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive]Log from the ceremony:[/font]
[font=comic sans ms,cursive][url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=1f14f1dae03dc07338e136e4f8ed4943"]http://storenow.net/...8e136e4f8ed4943[/url][/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive]Stay tuned for Round 2 on Thursday...[/font]

Edited by Peace
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[font=comic sans ms,cursive]Because it is almost rare to get all participants to attend at the same time alltogether, MoC requests all finalists to send their submissions via pm to him until Sunday, 16:00 ST.[/font]

The Master of Ceremonies will read them to the crowd and the same voting system will occur.

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... and i shall now announce the result of round 2 [color=#d3d3d3][i]( i feel honored to be the one who continues Peace's post )[/i][/color]
[color=#000000][quote]An old ex-rpc returns, only to realize that he is on skill damage from losses.[/color]
[color=#000000]Ex-RPC: Easily fixed ! I'll just make a new quest, get me back to balance and win a WP ![/color]
[color=#000000]dst : *facepalm*[/quote][/color]
[color=#000000][b]EXPL:[/b] [i]RPCs used to award wps for very trivial tasks, things like "get me 30 adepts and win a wp", while now the wp quests are really scarce and a lot more complex than that.[/i][/color]
[font=Times New Roman][size=3][color=#000000][hr][/color][/size][/font]
[color=#000000][quote]I can finally buy a drachorn from Rj! I have 10g now![/quote][/color]
[color=#000000][b]EXPL:[/b][i] SmartalekRJ used to sell one drachorn for 10g.[/i][/color]
[font=Times New Roman][size=3][color=#000000][hr][/color][/size][/font]
[u][color=#daa520][b]No one:[/b][/color][/u]
[color=#000000][quote]Fossil attacks Chewett and sees the seed and thinks: OMG! Chewett has unreleased crits! He's sooo cool![/color]
[color=#000000]Fossil is attacked by an mp4 from an alliance: Toxicodendrite does 100 damage to Fossil's Grassan![/quote][/color]
[color=#000000][b]EXPL: [/b][i]Seeds as they were called used to be a very rare creature. Only Grido had one and he didn't want to sell it for any price.[/i][/color]
[font=Times New Roman][size=3][color=#000000][hr][/color][/size][/font]
[color=#daa520][u][b]Burns :[/b][/u][/color]
[color=#000000][quote]Why are the Archives locked? Did Ren crash the Spaceship again?[/quote][/color]
[color=#000000][b]EXPL:[/b][i]The legend goes that House of Liquid Dust was closed because Renavoid crashed his spaceship into it[/i][/color]
[color=#000000][quote]RPC Fossil1 to RPC Fossil2: I know a place where nobody will bother us. So we can talk in peace and quite and without indiscreet eyes watching.[/color]
[color=#000000]Fossils go to Berserker Charge.[/color]
[color=#000000]Azull, lahstal, Peace, AmberRune, ignnus, Fire Starter all in one voice: Welcome to Necro! *Amber waves her Acoustics as well*[/quote][/color]
[color=#000000][b]EXPL:[/b] [i]It took some time before B Charge was accessible to normal players.[/i][/color][/log]
[*][color=#000000]Burns:3,5 [/color]
[*][color=#000000]DST: 3,35[/color]
[*][color=#000000]Alyon:2,56 [/color]
[log='Log of the voting'][21/04/13 21:03] Azull:First *grins* [21/04/13 21:04] Master of Ceremonies:Indeed [21/04/13 21:04] Master of Ceremonies:Only 4 minutes late! [21/04/13 21:04] Master of Ceremonies:And I am again invaded by Necros [21/04/13 21:04] Azull:This is my home, how can I be late? [21/04/13 21:05] *MRAlyon*:I will ill you Azull:-) [21/04/13 21:05] *MRAlyon*:kill [21/04/13 21:05] Eara Meraia:you are in necrovion :) [21/04/13 21:05] Azull:What for? [21/04/13 21:06] *MRAlyon*:just for the medal... if I get medal for this:_) [21/04/13 21:06] :Kiley slowly roams up and down the aisle gently sliding a single finger over the ancient books [21/04/13 21:06] Chewett:Cheater [21/04/13 21:07] Azull:who? [21/04/13 21:07] Chewett:MoC... i couldnt jumpt o him [21/04/13 21:07] Chewett:Damn thing is mostly spell resistant :P [21/04/13 21:07] Azull:ah :P [21/04/13 21:07] rikstar:Hey [21/04/13 21:07] Master of Ceremonies:I wonder who coded the restrictions [21/04/13 21:07] Valldore Nal:That's not resistance, thats total immunity :P [21/04/13 21:08] addy:well well well.. [21/04/13 21:08] addy:isnt this scary?.. :D [21/04/13 21:08] Chewett:Shush you [21/04/13 21:08] Chewett:I can remove that code [21/04/13 21:09] :AmberRune pokes Azull [21/04/13 21:09] :Eagle Eye bows to all [21/04/13 21:09] :Azull pokes back [21/04/13 21:09] addy:greetings Eagle [21/04/13 21:10] Eagle Eye:Greetings [21/04/13 21:11] addy:MoC.how long till the grading begins? [21/04/13 21:11] Master of Ceremonies:Why would you remove it? [21/04/13 21:11] Master of Ceremonies:I am waiting for more people [21/04/13 21:12] rikstar:What are we going to do? [21/04/13 21:12] :Eagle Eye bows to MoC [21/04/13 21:12] addy:we grade statememnts made to embarass people with old ids after they return to Md after some time.I think. [21/04/13 21:13] rikstar:Oh that. [21/04/13 21:13] addy:Not sure, but essentially it means trying to embarass chewy I think. [21/04/13 21:13] :rikstar grins [21/04/13 21:13] Master of Ceremonies:And after that there will be a quest [21/04/13 21:13] rikstar: :o [21/04/13 21:14] addy:For something better than KAKE. *eyes twinkle with excitement* [21/04/13 21:14] dst:Visits here: 2 [21/04/13 21:14] dst:buhahahahaha [21/04/13 21:14] AmberRune:Visits here: 2 Match! [21/04/13 21:14] addy:...teleported back to the gazeebo then came back? [21/04/13 21:14] Master of Ceremonies:For something better than KAKE [21/04/13 21:14] Syrian:i have 2 as well [21/04/13 21:14] Azull:785 [21/04/13 21:14] dst:liez! [21/04/13 21:15] Syrian:cheater [21/04/13 21:15] *MRAlyon*:also me 2:-) [21/04/13 21:15] Soothing Sands: :) [21/04/13 21:15] addy:Azull wins the championship!!!!!! [21/04/13 21:15] Azull: :P [21/04/13 21:15] dst:championship of liars! [21/04/13 21:15] *MRAlyon*:so much tie from the last time here:-) [21/04/13 21:15] Azull:no lies [21/04/13 21:15] dst:Do you have access here Azull? [21/04/13 21:15] Azull:yes [21/04/13 21:15] addy:Free Kake in celebration!Sponsored by Moc!Please!! [21/04/13 21:15] dst:nasty [21/04/13 21:16] addy:well..he IS the king.. [21/04/13 21:16] Soothing Sands:Someone needs to fix this place up [21/04/13 21:17] :Tom Pouce look at an lose tile [21/04/13 21:17] addy:this is officially the first time im inside Necrovia.. really never thought id ever set foot in this land. :D [21/04/13 21:18] Nava:Addy, my child..this will not be the last... [21/04/13 21:18] addy:...please ms. spider thingy, dont call me your child.O.o [21/04/13 21:18] :Nava smiles at Addy. [21/04/13 21:18] dst:die once and you'll be here for more than you'll like [21/04/13 21:19] addy:I just wanted to have a land I never travelled into.. an eternal mystery.. *gets all sad* [21/04/13 21:19] rikstar:Nava! [21/04/13 21:19] Nava:Rikstar..it is good to see you.. [21/04/13 21:20] Nava:But Addy, you receive more mystery in this land now that you found it. [21/04/13 21:20] Princ Rhaegar:Lots of books. [21/04/13 21:20] Princ Rhaegar:I like it. [21/04/13 21:20] addy:any question now raised can never be better than the ones I could raise inside my own mind.. [21/04/13 21:20] Princ Rhaegar:So much to be read, so little time [21/04/13 21:21] addy: *looks around* oh yeah!I didnt notice. [21/04/13 21:21] Nava:Addy, please excuse my earlier comment. I meant no disrespect when calling you a child. [21/04/13 21:22] addy:There could be some much knowledge to be had in this place. *wonders if he should lunge for the nearest book* [21/04/13 21:22] Master of Ceremonies:Strike 2! [21/04/13 21:22] addy:eh?Nah Nava, dont worry.I didn't take it like that. :D [21/04/13 21:22] :Syrian grabs Phantom Orchid [21/04/13 21:22] Master of Ceremonies:MoC made Innocence come to a meeting 2 times in less than half a day [21/04/13 21:22] :dst grabs Phantom Orchid [21/04/13 21:23] :Chewett grabs Phantom Orchid [21/04/13 21:23] :AmberRune grabs Phantom Orchid [21/04/13 21:23] :*MRAlyon* grabs Phantom Orchid [21/04/13 21:23] :Valldore Nal grabs Phantom Orchid [21/04/13 21:23] :Valldore Nal grabs the fugitive and puts him down. Phantom Orchid can be finally sent back to jail where he/she belongs [21/04/13 21:23] Nava:Good. I let my words flow freely. Whether there is truth in them is yet to be seen. [21/04/13 21:23] addy:congrats MoC. :D [21/04/13 21:24] rikstar:Good to see you to [21/04/13 21:24] Sunfire:hrm this place looks familiar [21/04/13 21:24] addy:Oh I have my doubts I'll be coming back to this realm anytime soon.This might be one of those times where saying 'over my dead body' could be accurate. :D [21/04/13 21:24] Nava:Rikstar..you changed after your creation of the arena quest...a good change. [21/04/13 21:25] Nava:Addy, you will. Or you won't. You do not know. I suggest you do. [21/04/13 21:25] rikstar:How did I change? [21/04/13 21:25] Nava:You matured.. [21/04/13 21:26] Nava:You grew. [21/04/13 21:26] Nava:I don't know how to explain it...but..you are growing.. [21/04/13 21:27] rikstar: :o sounds great. [21/04/13 21:27] Eagle Eye:My forum is down:( [21/04/13 21:27] Nava:And soon you will be able to weave the webs of ______ [21/04/13 21:27] addy: *pats riks on the shoulder* congratulations [21/04/13 21:28] addy: (afk my friends..hope I ccan come back for your quest MoC..:[ ) [21/04/13 21:28] Sunfire:so what did i miss? [21/04/13 21:29] rikstar:Pats addy too. [21/04/13 21:31] :Fang Archbane steps into the scene, finally alive once more [21/04/13 21:31] rikstar:What could I weave? [21/04/13 21:32] Tom Pouce:hi Fang [21/04/13 21:32] Fang Archbane: *smiles* hi Tom [21/04/13 21:33] Nava:That is up to you, spiderling. [21/04/13 21:34] Master of Ceremonies:Ok, Time for Grading Lines [21/04/13 21:34] :Fang Archbane passed Spicy Pickle to nAvA [21/04/13 21:34] :Fang Archbane slips a Peekul into Navas shirt [21/04/13 21:34] :Nava smiles at Fang Archbane. [21/04/13 21:34] Master of Ceremonies:I will say the lines in chat and you'll vote [21/04/13 21:34] :Nava punches him in the face. [21/04/13 21:34] Master of Ceremonies:Grades from 1 to 5, 5 being the highest one [21/04/13 21:35] Fire Starter: *sips from his chawan and rises and eyebrow* This is the secret place? [21/04/13 21:35] rikstar:Okay master spider queen. [21/04/13 21:35] Master of Ceremonies:You can vote when I say "Vote!" [21/04/13 21:35] :Syrian blinks at nava [21/04/13 21:35] :Fire Starter sips in silence [21/04/13 21:35] Nava:Thank you for the Pickle, Fang. Go anywhere near my chest again and I will castrate you. [21/04/13 21:36] :Fang Archbane poker faces [21/04/13 21:36] :Fang Archbane pokes her shoulder with a peekul [21/04/13 21:36] rikstar:sounds like fun. [21/04/13 21:36] No one:hmm, i've been here :) Visits here: 3 [21/04/13 21:36] Fang Archbane: *runs around in circles* Aieeeeeee! [21/04/13 21:36] :Nava smiles at Fang knowingly and then looks at MoC. [21/04/13 21:36] *Mya Celestia*:Been a long time since I've been here. [21/04/13 21:37] No one:during my adventures :P [21/04/13 21:37] No one:with IaB [21/04/13 21:37] No one: (i think) :D [21/04/13 21:38] Magistra:Hello all. [21/04/13 21:38] rikstar:hey [21/04/13 21:38] :Eagle Eye bows to Mya [21/04/13 21:39] Eagle Eye:My forum still not working [21/04/13 21:39] Fire Starter:The strange thing is that I [21/04/13 21:39] Fire Starter:That I've been here more than 2 times... [21/04/13 21:39] Fire Starter:I guess the jumping doesn't counts :D [21/04/13 21:39] :Nyx Xyn smiles to Sunfire [21/04/13 21:40] rikstar:One question how to get normally in those areas can you get in them if you join a land or alliance? [21/04/13 21:40] addy:or only counts once.. [21/04/13 21:41] *Mya Celestia*:You can't get into hollow den without help [21/04/13 21:41] :Sunfire smiles back [21/04/13 21:41] Valldore Nal:What creature is recruitable in there ? [21/04/13 21:41] rikstar:So you have to join things I guess. [21/04/13 21:42] Fire Starter:Dusty ones, Vall... Rather dusty :P [21/04/13 21:42] Master of Ceremonies:Ok, ready for the lines? [21/04/13 21:42] Valldore Nal:That big chain was intriguing .... [21/04/13 21:42] Master of Ceremonies:I'll say the lines and also the explanation [21/04/13 21:43] Master of Ceremonies:Here I go, first line [21/04/13 21:43] Master of Ceremonies:An old ex-rpc returns, only to realize that he is on skill damage from losses. [21/04/13 21:43] Master of Ceremonies:Ex-RPC: Easily fixed ! I'll just make a new quest, get me back to balance and win a WP ! [21/04/13 21:43] Master of Ceremonies:dst : *facepalm* [21/04/13 21:43] Master of Ceremonies:EXPL: RPCs used to award wps for very trivial tasks, things like "get me 30 adepts and win a wp", while now the wp quests are really scarce and a lot more complex than that [21/04/13 21:43] Master of Ceremonies:VOTE! [21/04/13 21:44] Tom Pouce:4 [21/04/13 21:44] rikstar:2.5 [21/04/13 21:44] Sunfire:3 [21/04/13 21:44] Dan Planewalker:2 [21/04/13 21:44] *MRAlyon*:2 [21/04/13 21:45] Nava:1.5 [21/04/13 21:45] Soothing Sands:2 [21/04/13 21:45] Nava: (10 being the best right?) [21/04/13 21:45] Dan Planewalker: (no, 5) [21/04/13 21:45] *MRAlyon*:Grades from 1 to 5, 5 being the highest one [21/04/13 21:45] rikstar: (5 is highest.) [21/04/13 21:45] samon:2 [21/04/13 21:46] Nava: (Then my answer remains. Thanks.) [21/04/13 21:47] Master of Ceremonies:Ok, so I guess you're done with this one [21/04/13 21:47] Master of Ceremonies:next one [21/04/13 21:47] Tom Pouce: (i was giving 4/10) [21/04/13 21:47] Master of Ceremonies:I can finally buy a drachorn from Rj! I have 10g now! [21/04/13 21:47] Master of Ceremonies:EXPL: SmartalekRJ used to sell one drachorn for 10g. [21/04/13 21:48] Master of Ceremonies:VOTE! [21/04/13 21:48] samon:3 [21/04/13 21:48] Sunfire:3 [21/04/13 21:48] Nava:2.5 [21/04/13 21:48] rikstar:2 [21/04/13 21:48] Eagle Eye:4 [21/04/13 21:48] Soothing Sands:2 [21/04/13 21:48] Dan Planewalker:2 [21/04/13 21:48] Tom Pouce:2/5 [21/04/13 21:49] Master of Ceremonies:Ok, done with this one as well [21/04/13 21:50] Master of Ceremonies:Next one: [21/04/13 21:50] Master of Ceremonies:Fossil attacks Chewett and sees the seed and thinks: OMG! Chewett has unreleased crits! He's sooo cool! [21/04/13 21:50] Master of Ceremonies:Fossil is attacked by an mp4 from an alliance: Toxicodendrite does 100 damage to Fossil's Grassan! [21/04/13 21:50] Master of Ceremonies:EXPL: Seeds as they were called used to be a very rare creature. Only Grido had one and he didn't want to sell it for any price. [21/04/13 21:50] Master of Ceremonies:Vote! [21/04/13 21:50] Tom Pouce:3/5 [21/04/13 21:50] Nyx Xyn:4. [21/04/13 21:50] Soothing Sands:4, even if seeds don't do damage.. [21/04/13 21:50] samon:3 [21/04/13 21:51] Eagle Eye:5 [21/04/13 21:51] Dan Planewalker:3 [21/04/13 21:51] rikstar:2.5 [21/04/13 21:51] Nava:2 [21/04/13 21:52] Master of Ceremonies:Ok...guess you're done with this as well [21/04/13 21:52] Master of Ceremonies:Next one: [21/04/13 21:52] Master of Ceremonies:RPC Fossil1 to RPC Fossil2: I know a place where nobody will bother us. So we can talk in peace and quite and without indiscreet eyes watching. [21/04/13 21:52] Sunfire:4 [21/04/13 21:52] Master of Ceremonies:Fossils go to Berserker Charge. [21/04/13 21:52] Master of Ceremonies:Azull, lahstal, Peace, AmberRune, ignnus, Fire Starter all in one voice: Welcome to Necro! *Amber waves her Acoustics as well* [21/04/13 21:53] Master of Ceremonies:EXPL: It took some time before B Charge was accessible to normal players. [21/04/13 21:53] Master of Ceremonies:VOte! [21/04/13 21:53] Nava:4.5 [21/04/13 21:53] MRW:3 [21/04/13 21:53] Eagle Eye:3 [21/04/13 21:53] samon:4 [21/04/13 21:53] Soothing Sands:3 [21/04/13 21:53] Nava: (I am giggling.) [21/04/13 21:53] Sunfire:3.5 [21/04/13 21:53] Syrian:4 [21/04/13 21:53] Tom Pouce:2/5 [21/04/13 21:53] Dan Planewalker:4 [21/04/13 21:53] rikstar:2.5 [21/04/13 21:54] Master of Ceremonies:Sunfire, your previous mark was for the 3rd line, right? [21/04/13 21:54] VertuHonagan:10 [21/04/13 21:54] Nava: (It is out of 5) [21/04/13 21:54] VertuHonagan:Oh. What are we voting on? I just got here [21/04/13 21:55] Master of Ceremonies:I think Sunfire has one big lag [21/04/13 21:55] Master of Ceremonies:ok, last line [21/04/13 21:55] Master of Ceremonies:Why are the Archives locked? Did Ren crash the Spaceship again? [21/04/13 21:55] Sunfire:aye [21/04/13 21:55] Master of Ceremonies:EXPL:The legend goes that House of Liquid Dust was closed because Renavoid crashed his spaceship into it [21/04/13 21:55] Master of Ceremonies:Vote! [21/04/13 21:56] Tom Pouce:4/5 [21/04/13 21:56] samon:4 [21/04/13 21:56] MRW:5 [21/04/13 21:56] Eagle Eye:2 [21/04/13 21:56] Dan Planewalker:4/5 [21/04/13 21:56] Sunfire:4 [21/04/13 21:56] Nava:3.5 [21/04/13 21:56] rikstar:2.5 (can you still get in it?) [21/04/13 21:57] Master of Ceremonies:I can't spoil a legend [21/04/13 21:57] Master of Ceremonies:Ok and I have one last line outside contest [21/04/13 21:57] Soothing Sands:2.5 [21/04/13 21:57] Master of Ceremonies:actually 2 [21/04/13 21:57] Master of Ceremonies:without explanations for it [21/04/13 21:57] rikstar: (Then that will be my personal quest. :D) [21/04/13 21:58] Master of Ceremonies:Metal Bunny's so old he should officially request name change to Rusty Bunny, but because of his dementia Mental Bunny will do just fine. [21/04/13 21:59] Master of Ceremonies:and the Second one: [21/04/13 21:59] Master of Ceremonies:Khalazdad shows up at the Howling Gates. Khalazdad - Hm. seems I can't access Necrovion. Noob - Don't you newbies know anything? You need to ask King Azull for Pass Papers. [21/04/13 21:59] MRW:1 [21/04/13 21:59] Nava:1 [21/04/13 21:59] rikstar:Don't get the second one. [21/04/13 21:59] Eagle Eye:5 [21/04/13 21:59] rikstar:but I think the first is better. [21/04/13 22:00] Tom Pouce:he opened necro [21/04/13 22:00] Master of Ceremonies:Necrovion used to be closed during Khalazdad time [21/04/13 22:00] Syrian: (omf i chocked on my drink at the second) [21/04/13 22:00] Syrian: (omg*) [21/04/13 22:00] :Darigan chuckles [21/04/13 22:00] Darigan: (Breath Syri) [21/04/13 22:00] Tom Pouce: (we wote for the 2?) [21/04/13 22:01] Master of Ceremonies:Last 2 were provided by Shemhazaj [21/04/13 22:01] Tom Pouce: (vote secound one nice 4/5) [21/04/13 22:01] Tom Pouce: (first one so and so 1/5) [21/04/13 22:01] Syrian: (i nearly died at the second, i think that counts for something) [21/04/13 22:01] *MRAlyon*:moto gp:-) [21/04/13 22:01] Master of Ceremonies:It was indeed a funny one [21/04/13 22:02] Master of Ceremonies:Now, I need a volunteer to do the math [21/04/13 22:02] Dan Planewalker:i can [21/04/13 22:02] *BFH Lightning*:SHOUTS: Even more secret place = epic!! [21/04/13 22:02] :Darigan points to Mya [21/04/13 22:02] Master of Ceremonies:any Takers? [21/04/13 22:02] rikstar:I can do math too. [21/04/13 22:02] VertuHonagan:I would if I wasn't on ipod [21/04/13 22:02] *Mya Celestia*:What? [21/04/13 22:02] Nyx Xyn:I can't. [21/04/13 22:03] Darigan:Mya is good at math [21/04/13 22:03] *Mya Celestia*:Only if I'm paying attention :P [21/04/13 22:03] Master of Ceremonies:Dan, rikstar, I'll send you the log [21/04/13 22:03] rikstar:Yep I must say that I can only graph symbols on calculators. xd [21/04/13 22:03] rikstar:Okay. [21/04/13 22:04] Dan Planewalker:okay [21/04/13 22:04] Nava: (I must be off. Be well, everyone and everyone.) [21/04/13 22:04] *BFH Lightning*:wofram alpha is good at math!! [21/04/13 22:04] Master of Ceremonies:I will send you the names of the players as well and you remove their grades (in case they voted) [21/04/13 22:04] Dan Planewalker:ok [21/04/13 22:04] Master of Ceremonies:for example if No one voted for Alyon, you remove his grade [21/04/13 22:05] Master of Ceremonies:we don't want players to vote between each other OR for themselves [21/04/13 22:05] Master of Ceremonies:Then you do an average [21/04/13 22:05] rikstar:Okay. [21/04/13 22:05] Master of Ceremonies:Once done, one of you sends me the results [21/04/13 22:05] Dan Planewalker:understood [21/04/13 22:05] rikstar:Yes sir.' [21/04/13 22:05] :Nava walks further down the hall, disappearing from view. [21/04/13 22:05] Tom Pouce:remember my first vote was 4/10 not on 5 [21/04/13 22:05] rikstar:ok will do tom pouce. [21/04/13 22:06] Dan Planewalker:4/10=2/5 right? [21/04/13 22:06] Master of Ceremonies:Do the math what percent is 4/10 scaled to 5 as top [21/04/13 22:06] *Mya Celestia*:yes[/log]

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Thanks DST, i missed that. First time i used the numbered list instead of the normal bulleted list, and thought it was very convenient, totally forgot to actually class them in the right order.

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