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MB's first Governmental Kingship Voting.

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The results have come in, and apparently i am now King of Marind Bell.


This is a great step towards further action in MB. We have already done a lot of work with the alliances and going from the small idea of a MB government i discussed with Rheagar, to approval by the MB people and now the council is a great move.


I thank all that did, and didnt, vote for me for MB Kingship. I look forward to comments from anyone who did or didnt vote for me. Specifically those who didnt, because that means they feel that someone else was in some regards better. I would like to know what aspects this is so that i may try and better myself.


In this vein i shall be discussing with Fang and Magistra what their ideas and plans were for MB, so that we may jointly work together. I hope that they will both aid me in developing some of their plans for MB, so that the whole of MB are united.


Thank you Magistra and Fang.




Magistra does not want to talk, I would very much like to hear her point of view, but if she is to do this then i will be unable to

Edited by Chewett
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What was the topic again? I think it was something about elections...


Elections sounds pretty fancy. Let's go with that, shall we?


If you're looking for something else than elections, try this

Edited by Burns
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