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crits and credits for sale


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I am looking to convert a few crits and credits into cold hard Coin.  (gold)
As such, I have the following to offer, but reserve the right ot cancel individual trades of they do not meet my personal value for that individual item.
1 Morph (snowball)  id=696860  + [jewelshards]
   (highest bid = 15G) dst
1 Bloodpact Archer.   ID:793966 Age=227
  (highest bid = 6sc) Dante Lionheart

1 Imperial Aramor.  ID:797929
(highest bid = 3sc) Rophs

2 Nutcrackers   ID:696527  & ID:796784
    Age= 537   + [blackdiamonds]  [blooddrop1] [blooddrop2]
(highest bid = 2gc) Darkraptor

    Age= 232  no tokens
(highest bid = 2gc for untokened) nadrolski

5 3 Angiens,  the youngest of which is 229 days old,
 (UPDATE:  two are now reserved for another private sale.)
   (highest bid = 7 Silver each)
42 Credits.
Feel free to make your bids. 
I'll keep this open for 1 week after the most recent posting below.

Edited by Maebius
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Are those credits already on your account? if so i thought that it's not possible to trade them.


I was told (perhaps incorrectly) that council is able to transfer credits between accounts in that manner, if there is an exchange on "valuables" such as crits or quest rewards, or such.  If this information is not correct, I will have to withdraw that particular portion of the sale.   Sorry.

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I was told (perhaps incorrectly) that council is able to transfer credits between accounts in that manner, if there is an exchange on "valuables" such as crits or quest rewards, or such.  If this information is not correct, I will have to withdraw that particular portion of the sale.   Sorry.

They could, but i doubt they would.

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I'll be tracking down folks to send them the CTC, ASAP,  OK?   :cool:


Then,  I'll be idle (or sleeping/offline)  at Angien Ferry for the next few days, if anyone needs to find me and pass coins or such and I can't catch you online to trade.

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