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So, i've been feeling really low lately. Like close to going back to being deppressed. Any suggestions or ways to cheer me up and get me back on my feet?
If you wouldn't take it as an offence, I'd like to gv 1 silver to the most effective suggestion. Music and anime are temporary solutions. I need something more permanent. =.=


I'm assuming, from previous comments, that the issue is the absence of someone special. 


The solution I've developed for this is "Don't think of how much you miss them now, but how happy you will be when you do see them". Don't think of how long it will be until you can see them, but that you only have that long until you can see them again. Somethings require a bit of optimism.


I'm assuming, from previous comments, that the issue is the absence of someone special.

The solution I've developed for this is "Don't think of how much you miss them now, but how happy you will be when you do see them". Don't think of how long it will be until you can see them, but that you only have that long until you can see them again. Somethings require a bit of optimism.

Missing that someone is a part of it. Majority is probably due to the fact that everythng in my life atm is really unstable and imbalanced. Too much bad luck and too little good luck. It takes a degree of mental and physical stamina to fight it. But i've been fighting so long that I'm getting tired now...
Posted (edited)

Cuddle with your pillow and imagine it is him/her whom you are separated from, don't be afraid to whisper stuff into your pillow's imaginary ear.


edit: The placebo effect does wonders even if you know it is a placebo. Pray to the glorious Random Number God and you will "be luckier".

Edited by Rophs

Cuddle with your pillow and imagine it is him/her whom you are separated from, don't be afraid to whisper stuff into your pillow's imaginary ear.

edit: The placebo effect does wonders even if you know it is a placebo. Pray to the glorious Random Number God and you will "be luckier".

*chuckles*placebos rarely work for me. Also, its not bout the person. :p

I'm assuming you're talking about how your life is unstable on the phone? Even if you are, maybe see if you can find somebody physically close by you who is willing to listen? I'd say ideally a therapist if you can afford it, and if one is available. However, I just took a psychology course that said it's really talking to someone that helps--it doesn't matter if they're an experienced therapist or not.


Know that it will get better in one way or another? I know it's kind of bad, but you can always think of the worst thing that could possibly happen and then be glad that your life is way better? I do this all the time to feel better. >.> "At least I'm not starving--" etc. I have another suggestion related to this, but I probably shouldn't post it.


Find another activity that you do have control over? If you don't make schedules and lists, maybe start? Keeping with schedules definitely helps, although I can't really talk (I've been feeling 'down' for the past few weeks as well and it's caused me to abandon most of my schedules). Make fun motivations to get you to keep with those schedules. Also, know that you're doing the schedules because scheduling is good and useful, regardless of how you're feeling. Also, keep the schedules manageable, including stuff that you already (hopefully) do, like brushing your teeth and eating breakfast. If you miss something, don't stress about it. You just didn't get the reward for that day. Um, but yeah. Schedules = good. Maybe I'll try and make some again myself.


Group of people that care for you - family, group, etc. Spend time with them. Whatever is troubling you (and you can't really do anything about it), it is getting spammed by positive feelings in a company. Don't be too much alone with your thoughts.


Try to Grow a Garden, visit and take time with it everyday, watch plants grow and give fruits... it's a incredibly rewarding activity/therapy to peace your mind. And i can tell you it works very well for some people i know.


Exercise is also a good thing, probably best for "one of those days"

Posted (edited)

I'm assuming you're talking about how your life is unstable on the phone? Even if you are, maybe see if you can find somebody physically close by you who is willing to listen? I'd say ideally a therapist if you can afford it, and if one is available. However, I just took a psychology course that said it's really talking to someone that helps--it doesn't matter if they're an experienced therapist or not.

Know that it will get better in one way or another? I know it's kind of bad, but you can always think of the worst thing that could possibly happen and then be glad that your life is way better? I do this all the time to feel better. >.> "At least I'm not starving--" etc. I have another suggestion related to this, but I probably shouldn't post it.

Find another activity that you do have control over? If you don't make schedules and lists, maybe start? Keeping with schedules definitely helps, although I can't really talk (I've been feeling 'down' for the past few weeks as well and it's caused me to abandon most of my schedules). Make fun motivations to get you to keep with those schedules. Also, know that you're doing the schedules because scheduling is good and useful, regardless of how you're feeling. Also, keep the schedules manageable, including stuff that you already (hopefully) do, like brushing your teeth and eating breakfast. If you miss something, don't stress about it. You just didn't get the reward for that day. Um, but yeah. Schedules = good. Maybe I'll try and make some again myself.

Nuh. Life is unstable as it is. I'm at that phase of life where nothng is fixed. Career, relationships, or finances. My chosen career is cursed with unstability til the age of 30, and I am facing it. Comparing with a worse situation helps temporarily. Thats it though. Recurrence rate is very common.

A pet?

i don't have the finances or space to raise a pet or a plant. =.= i'd love to do it though.

Try to Grow a Garden, visit and take time with it everyday, watch plants grow and give fruits... it's a incredibly rewarding activity/therapy to peace your mind. And i can tell you it works very well for some people i know.

Exercise is also a good thing, probably best for "one of those days"

Exercise - I find that when i am at my darkest moments time taken to mindlessly do physical exertion helps a bit.

Gym helps sometimes. Rest of the times I get tired due to lack of motivation. I shall try it with some nastily loud music this time.

Group of people that care for you - family, group, etc. Spend time with them. Whatever is troubling you (and you can't really do anything about it), it is getting spammed by positive feelings in a company. Don't be too much alone with your thoughts.

I'm not really compatible with my family. Frankly they contribute some percentage to my deppression. I'l stop with that. Friends.. They are busy with their studies. Dnt want to be a burden really.

Edited by Nimrodel
Posted (edited)

What i would suggest , since you said you see your life unbalanced

... try to get it balance

to do it it mean sometime to "kick it" out of its unbalance

what i mean for exemple , if your life is to buzy, no time , thinking that you cant do all that need to be done

maybe its time to take an break ... for an weekend take time for yourself, doing nothing or someting that you really like but you dont have time to do (reading, dancing, visiting , ...)

if it mean that every thing is always like same, you have no energy and you are depress
maybe its time to try something new, or doing something wild for an weekend
(try new sport, take an course, doing in bars, ...)

after that, maybe youll be in an position to see more what you would like to do or should to to improve your situation


you say "Too much bad luck and too little good luck" "Career, relationships, or finances. My chosen career is cursed with unstability til .. "


on that, you can try to read on some positive thinking books, or get some concelling either professionnal, or from your priest


One thing is sure that if you try to think positive, even if it dont change what apened, seeing the glass 1/2 full instead of 1/2 empty , give an postive look that free one to see more possibilities in futur actions, and that way improve his chances to get better outcomes


If you read about positive thinking

most will say things like
- know your self
- know what you really want to attain for target or end goal
- plan steps you can do in the way to attain that target
- plan in detail what to do to attain each step
- try each step one at a time, and review your overall plan as necessary

- if you dont succed to attain an step at first, review your plan to reach that step , and try again
- each success in reaching an step will, reenforce your will to succed and atain your end goals




anyway best wishes



Edited by Tom Pouce
  • Root Admin

>>Gym helps sometimes. Rest of the times I get tired due to lack of motivation. I shall try it with some nastily lou music this time.


Trace, J-Pop (although i think you said you dont like that), heavy metal, dubstep, drum and bass, etc


Maybe it's just me, but I find anime usually makes me more sad than I already am..


I'd say check out Eckhart Tolle, either his website or books, they are pretty good :)


(Also learning to code is great, but i'd understand if you don't want to lol)


It seems like you have been to the place before, the one you're trying to avoid now. When you were there previously, what brought you back? Ask yourself what is preventing you from mustering the courage and remembering how to use these tools that you already have.


For the long haul, acceptance is key. Acceptance and self-validation. I think that might be the only lasting solution, not just a band-aid, to reach resolution.


If you can get it, "When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times" by Pema Chodron is a wonderful, insightful, and deeply moving book. At least read some reviews to see if it's something that you think might be helpful for you.


A therapist would be best, but sometimes a good book can come in close second (especially if you can't afford therapy, or it's too hard to find a good therapist).


i managed to fight it off temporarily. Too many things happened over the past few days, I was busy. So..
Thank you people. As always, MD and its community is awesome support. I shall keep looking at this thread everytime i feel i'm on the verge of crossing over. Thanks a tonne. :)

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