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Getting a Marind Bell citizenship


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As the King of Marind Bell, I have the power to grant citizenship directly.


There is the standard "apply for voting" procedure in Wind's Sanctuary, as with all the mainlands, but those rarely succeed because people do not bother to meet people of Marind Bell to convince them to vote for them.


If you wish to join the Kingdom of Marind Bell and choose it as your home, contact me.

I need to get to know you, and that may take a while depending on many circuimstances.


Some people are quiet or just not that adept at English, yet they wish to have a home in Marind Bell.


There is an option for that as well:

- Get three (3) Marind Bell citizens to vouch for you and confirm that you are their friend and that they wish to see you as a citizen of Marind Bell.



edit: Nadrolski's update on post #6: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15199-getting-a-marind-bell-citizenship/?p=163280

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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  • 10 months later...

I have sent you a message in private as a response. Hopeful to see how things will resolve :)

This thread is not meant for commenting specific cases, so soon I may delete or move the posts, possibly lock the thread.


However, I will accent in public the difference of a support vote when the voting at Wind's Sanctuary is initiatied and a vouch.

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  • 3 months later...



You may also contact me here or in-game if you wish to be a citizen of and be Marind Bell as your home. I also encourage every applicant to create at topic here and give us a brief background about him/her that might help on his/her application.


Thank you.

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  • 9 months later...

Update to the above.

Same applies for the current times (as of this post). I am able to grant citizenship directly, but also encourage posting for the citizens to read.
Alternately, you may make your wishes known in-game, via messages and chatter and moodposts. I like that method best, actually. :)

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