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  • Root Admin

Gold and Silver Rare Auction
5 items shall be auctioned off for the TK's treasury. These items are being sold to reduce the amount of gold/silver older players have and decrease the rarity of some items.
For the purposes of this auction 1 gold = 15 silver.
All bids must be in gold/silver.
To bid post on the forum stating your bid. Making a bid on the forum means you commit to buy the item.

Item: Pickles Jar


Starting bid: 5 silver

  • Root Admin

When posting can you also try and post an equivalent price as well, aka:

5 gold 72 silver => 9 gold 2 silver

3gc and 35sc

Eagle Eye does not have the coin to maintain both of his bids when he made them. For this reason the Current Auction top has been set to Eons bid of 5 gold.
  • Root Admin

Note: apparently he did have enough coin, however resetting to ensure that it is entirely fair and people completely abide by the rules is what is happening :)


Dan Planewalker has a pickles jar and if i remember correctly his pickles are from the shared pool.

  • Root Admin

Question: Will this item have its own item cap, or will it be shared with the existing pickle jar?


Shared, Dan is mostly inactive so his pickle jar is "gone".

  • Root Admin

I have taken the coin from Menhir:

9 Items Transferred
4660 Gold coin
7378 Gold coin
11968 Gold coin
12848 Gold coin
13137 10 Gold Note
13144 10 Gold Note
13491 Gold coin
16382 Gold coin
17117 Gold coin

  • Root Admin

From COTS:

19 Items Transferred
4183 Gold coin
4201 Gold coin
5739 Gold coin
5979 Gold coin
7497 Gold coin
7546 Gold coin
8269 Gold coin
8315 Gold coin
10319 Gold coin
11097 Gold coin
16201 Gold coin
22570 Gold coin
22855 Gold coin
22875 Gold coin
23611 Gold coin
23868 Gold coin
25874 Gold coin
28945 Gold coin
33100 Gold coin

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