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Christmas Cards in October yeeey!


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Yes, this year, again, I plan to make my own Christmas Cards. And as usual time is limited (this year more than ever).

So, if you want one, let me know.


Nimmy, Princypuss, Miq, Chew, Eon will all get one (unless they started hating me in a course of 1 year).  Oh and I shall ask again for addresses just in case you moved. 


The rest...you know the drill.




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Yes, yes, can I get the previous one too, since the post office tricksters made a trick on me? 

I will change the address to my hometown where I have my men assigned to ambush postmen, so it should be received with certainty.  :ph34r:

Mur forbids you don't go to get it. If you don't,  I will personally deliver it and you'll see that I didn't get the kingslayer medal for nothing.

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And forgot to add: Sunny and Marv, you're not getting away without a card as well. But we'll talk details when the time is right :D

And it seems I didn't reply to Princy's question: you'll get 2 yes! Last year's and this year's.

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