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Posted (edited)

This is sort of follow up to this thread. In which nobody could explain why sheath balance wasn't given even though requirements were satisfied. I've been trying to figure out how it works and it's been quite chaotic until now.


I started noticing this accidentally. When I was checking honor gain of other players I was attacking. So I noticed that their gain was dropping, but nobody else was anywhere close to attack them, everybody was idle. I was the only one attacking, so I checked their profiles and noticed that they were getting Sheath Balances. Trick is... in my logs it says they got only Sheath.


I TRUSTED THE COMBAT LOGS always, but it turns out THEY are the ones giving wrong information.


So I checked the percentages and it works out, according to the official documented balance mechanics, they were supposed to get Sheath Balance. (0% vs 100% satisfies the 90% difference rule)


In spoiler you will see some screenshots where logs are wrong.




There should have been "X"s in "~L~" column, but there aren't.





It says loser doesn't get fight counted as lost, but he does.



So far that's all I have. There are still some scenarios left to test that were brought up in other thread, so I'll be posting some more updates. So far I can only be sure that display of information is wrong.


This brings up one very important thing to note, if combat logs are faulty at this, are they faulty at something else too?


How are we supposed to learn the game and know what happened in combat if we can't trust combat logs themselves?

Edited by Ary Endleg

the battle log sometimes displays very strange things. Like this:

Creature Experience reward for powle - Losing player
Pimped Grasan Huvourer recovers 87.5 Vitality
Pimped Grasan Huvourer gains -86 Xp
Chaos Archer recovers 1050 Vitality
Chaos Archer gains -86 Xp
Knator War Master recovers 80 Vitality
Knator War Master gains -86 Xp
Unholy Priest II recovers 66 Vitality
Unholy Priest II gains -86 Xp
Winderwild recovers 6 Vitality
Winderwild gains -86 Xp
Tormented Soul recovers 7.2 Vitality
Tormented Soul gains -86 Xp
Creature Experience reward for Change - Winning player
Unholy Pope recovers 8.7 Vitality
Unholy Priest II recovers 926.64 Vitality
Unholy Priest II recovers 118.8 Vitality
Unholy Priest II recovers 52.8 Vitality
Unholy Priest II recovers 118.8 Vitality
Unholy Priest II recovers 52.8 Vitality
No creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp reward
Winner gets won fights counter incremented!
Loser gets humiliated, loss fights counter incremented!

How can you win with all your creatures dead? (i think in this case change really did win and the mistake was in stating that no creatures survived, but i'm not 100% sure - that's why i made a copy of this log to study it more carefully sometime soon when i have some more free time)

Posted (edited)

This is sort of follow up to this thread. In which nobody could explain why sheath balance wasn't given even though requirements were satisfied. I've been trying to figure out how it works and it's been quite chaotic until now.


I started noticing this accidentally. When I was checking honor gain of other players I was attacking. So I noticed that their gain was dropping, but nobody else was anywhere close to attack them, everybody was idle. I was the only one attacking, so I checked their profiles and noticed that they were getting Sheath Balances. Trick is... in my logs it says they got only Sheath.


I TRUSTED THE COMBAT LOGS always, but it turns out THEY are the ones giving wrong information.


So I checked the percentages and it works out, according to the official documented balance mechanics, they were supposed to get Sheath Balance. (0% vs 100% satisfies the 90% difference rule)


In spoiler you will see some screenshots where logs are wrong.




There should have been "X"s in "~L~" column, but there aren't.





It says loser doesn't get fight counted as lost, but he does.



So far that's all I have. There are still some scenarios left to test that were brought up in other thread, so I'll be posting some more updates. So far I can only be sure that display of information is wrong.


This brings up one very important thing to note, if combat logs are faulty at this, are they faulty at something else too?


How are we supposed to learn the game and know what happened in combat if we can't trust combat logs themselves?

"How are we supposed to learn the game and know what happened in combat if we can't trust combat logs themselves?"

By being careful at what you read, by asking others and by requesting more elaborate logs.

[spoiler]I will be a little mean here : it took you some time to get this question out. :P [/spoiler]


From what I understood, when I asked myself why there is nothing won/lost when a fight 0% - 100% is achieved is that : strong players (100%) should not fight weaker players (0%) and thus they don't get the win.

(see, you didn't listened to me to get & use that book)


So, actually that 0% - 100% is just another case where the weak are protected (against strong rituals).



What Rophs indicated and powle just said are an outflow of that. You can have a victory without ever losing 10%, as long as you 'lose' -10%, and you might not get a loss from a 'close fight' at 100% vs -100%, as both are 100% away from their starting point, it's 0 difference. Test based on that, it might still hold true.





If that was not an answer to your question ... please rephrase the question.

Edited by No one

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