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Improving Traveling

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This is only to help new people and wont affect people who have been everywhere. When you click on an arrow to go somewhere, lets say to the left, you would expect that on the next area the arrow going to the right would take you back to the same place, but on a few maps this isnt the case and you sometimes go back and forth between areas because the arrows dont line up. The pictures for the areas dont need to change, but the arrows going to some places need to be switched around so going to the left is indeed going to the left, instead of going back to where you were yet you continued in the same direction.

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or you could have the arrows color coded so that one arrow leading to your previous destination could be shaded in a dark gray and arrow(s) to next place could be the "white" color that is in the game now

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This is only to help new people and wont affect people who have been everywhere. When you click on an arrow to go somewhere, lets say to the left, you would expect that on the next area the arrow going to the right would take you back to the same place, but on a few maps this isnt the case and you sometimes go back and forth between areas because the arrows dont line up. The pictures for the areas dont need to change, but the arrows going to some places need to be switched around so going to the left is indeed going to the left, instead of going back to where you were yet you continued in the same direction.

That is a good idea, i know for one when im around Alche Alley, i have a tendency to go back n forwards until i get my bearings. And im MP5 lol But then again i hold a road map upsidedown/sideways in the direction im going lol

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In some areas, if you hold the mouse pointer over the arrow, it will display text showing where the arrow goes to. Remember the name of the area you came from, you can avoid going back there. Unfortunately, it does not seem that this works in all areas, particularly those that have been mentioned.

I do like the idea of color-coding the place you came from though. :)

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I'm not sure the first idea suggested by Ratsplat is the best, because sometimes the area has landmarks in the background from another area (like Wind Tower when you're going from Marind Bell to MDA), and switching the arrows would make it contradictory.

They are a bit confusing at first but I got used to them pretty quickly. Sometimes I still waste a bit of AP going in the wrong direction, though. The color-coding idea is fine except it would kind of irk me because it would imbalance the amount of color in whatever place the arrow which leads to the area you came from is. What that what chewett was saying? Dark gray doesn't break with magicduel's color scheme, if that's what chewett meant. In any case, I would prefer some other kind of marking to differentiate which arrow leads to the previous area, maybe bolding the arrow or making it slightly opaque.

Well, it would be fine if all the arrows would display the name of the area it leads to when hovered over, too.

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