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MD 10th birthday planning

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  • Root Admin

Ann. 3363 - [2015-02-27 14:24:05 - Stage 12] - Permalink - Posted By Chewett
MD 10th birthday planning
BFH and I will be hosting a meeting Saturday (Feb 28) at 18:00 to discuss some plans regarding MD birthday. Such topics will be the days hosts, requirements for questers (please come with things you would want to implement), rewards you think would be interesting, stuff you want to see and how you think MD medal ceremonies should be handled.

Please can all hosts try and make this meeting so that we can talk with you. If you are unable to please contact BFH and I.

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  • Root Admin

Anyone that was not at the event, and has not had the PM saying their day has been confirmed please contact BFH and I asap.


We will fill your day up with someone else if we dont get some affirmation that you definitely will be running the day.

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  • Root Admin

Anyone that was not at the event, and has not had the PM saying their day has been confirmed please contact BFH and I asap.


We will fill your day up with someone else if we dont get some affirmation that you definitely will be running the day.


We still have a number of people who have not confirmed their days. If you have not been added into calender Admin PM please re-contact both of us so we can discuss with you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As far as I can see/tell, there have been very little quest makers interested in days.  Time is quickly approaching.  Are there no questmakers out there?  10 days needs ALOT of quests and events to fill up such a grand anniversary.  I know we all want to see the 10th be its biggest and best yet.

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As far as I can see/tell, there have been very little quest makers interested in days.  Time is quickly approaching.  Are there no questmakers out there?  10 days needs ALOT of quests and events to fill up such a grand anniversary.  I know we all want to see the 10th be its biggest and best yet.


I'm trying to develop a quest and a challenge or two, but that day 'admin' stuff sounds like a lot of pressure and time-framing, I don't wanna promise something that I may not be able to do.

I assume a lot of others think the same way so there might be some undetected quests on the loose :P


Did anyone take the log of the 28th February meeting?

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