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View all announcements in reverse order

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The previous view all announcements page listed announcements in reverse order, from newest at the top to oldest at the bottom. The new one lists them from oldest at the top to newest at the bottom, which isn't exactly the most helpful order they could be in. If you're searching the announcements, you are probably looking for the most recent announcement concerning the specific issue, and, when hitting Ctrl+F, your browser will search from top to bottom by default, resulting in you locating the oldest announcement about the issue first, rather than the newest.


I propose that the view all announcements page list announcements in reverse order, with the newest at the top and oldest at the bottom.


Should the wookie be temporarily rendered braindead, or should I have failed miserably at explaining my proposal, `ORDER BY id DESC`, is what I'm suggesting be added to the main SQL query. Early announcements did not have their publish time recorded, so the ID must be used instead.

Edited by I am Bored
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